Репозиторий Dspace

Просмотр по автору "Bahamonde, Sebastian"

Просмотр по автору "Bahamonde, Sebastian"

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  • Mazhari, N.S.; Momeni, Davood; Bahamonde, Sebastian; Faizal, Mir; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2017)
    The holographic complexity and fidelity susceptibility have been defined as new quantities dual to different volumes in AdS. In this paper, we will use these new proposals to calculate both of these quantities for a variety ...
  • Momeni, Davood; Faizal, Mir; Bahamonde, Sebastian; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2016)
    In this paper, we will analyze the holographic complexity for time-dependent asymptotically AdS geometries. We will first use a covariant zero mean curvature slicing of the time-dependent bulk geometries, and then use this ...