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ПросмотрВыпуск 2021 года по теме "electron"

ПросмотрВыпуск 2021 года по теме "electron"

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Salikhodzha, Zh.M.; Zhangylyssov, K.B.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Kainarbay, A.Zh.; Daurenbekov, D.H.; Azmagambetova, Zh.; Sadykova, B.M.; Yussupbekova, B.N.; Alibay, T.T.; Tolekov, D.A.; Tulebayeva, N. (2021)
    The nature of the impurity emission center and the energy transfer mechanisms from intrinsic electronic excitations to the Mn2+ impurity centers in the CaSO4 − Mn crystal have been investigated. The methods of vacuum ...
  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Salikhodzha, Zh.M.; Dolomatov, M.Y.; Yussupbekova, B.N.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Kainarbay, A.Zh.; Daurenbekov, D.H.; Sadykova, B.M.; Zhangylyssov, K.B.; Alibay, T.T.; Tolekov, D.A. (2021)
    In the present work, the emission and excitation spectra in Li2SO4-Cu crystals have been obtained by the methods of vacuum-ultraviolet and thermoactivation spectroscopy. We have studied the nature of emission from a pressed ...
  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Zhangylyssov, K.B.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Daurenbekov, D.H.; Alibay, T.T.; Sadykova, B.M.; Yussupbekova, B.N.; Tolekov, D.A. (2021)
    The mechanism of creation of electron-hole trapping centers in CaSO4 at 15-300 K was investigated by the methods of vacuum-ultraviolet and thermoactivation spectroscopy. It is shown that electron-hole trapping centers ...
  • Nurakhmetov, T.N.; Salikhodzha, Zh.M.; Zhunusbekov, A.M.; Kainarbay, A.Zh.; Daurenbekov, D.H.; Alibay, T.T.; Sadykova, B.M.; Zhangylyssov, K.B.; Yussupbekova, B.N.; Tolekov, D.A. (2021)
    The mechanisms of creation of electron-hole trapping centers in LiKSO4 have been investigated by the methods of vacuum and thermal activation spectroscopy. It is shown that electron-hole trapping centers are formed during ...

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