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STUDENTS'ENGAGEMENT IN BLENDED LEARNING: digitaleducational resources as an interactive approach

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dc.contributor.author Smagulova, B.G.
dc.contributor.author Chernyshova, T.V.
dc.contributor.author Idrissova, M.A.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-25T09:57:11Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-25T09:57:11Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.isbn 978-601-337-389-8
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/108
dc.description.abstract This study investigates engagement of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU, Kazakhstan) students in Blended Learning (BL) during the academic year of 2019-2020. The global education and scientific world community has been faced the pandemic uncertainty situation. In times of emergency crisis the sphere of education and science is becoming more essential than ever before. However, a plethora of crucial specific opportunities to progress digital transformation of educational system at ENU through effective and productive use of innovative digital educational resources (DERs) as well as technologies were presented to faculty members and students. Therefore, implementation of DERs as an interactive approach in Foreign Language teaching and learning is worth to be noted. Blended learning environment had the result of radical advancement oftechnological processes which facilitated learning and improved students' academic performance motivating a longer lasting effect in achieving new knowledge, understanding and skills. Moreover, perceived new knowledge either online or offline made positive influence on both cognitive and emotional state of students. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject Blended Learning ru
dc.subject Digital Educational Resources ru
dc.subject knowledge ru
dc.subject cognition ru
dc.subject skills ru
dc.title STUDENTS'ENGAGEMENT IN BLENDED LEARNING: digitaleducational resources as an interactive approach ru
dc.type Article ru

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