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dc.contributor.author Saparbayeva, Saule
dc.contributor.author Sarybayeva, Inara
dc.date.accessioned 2024-04-24T09:51:54Z
dc.date.available 2024-04-24T09:51:54Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.isbn 978-601-337-909-8
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/13431
dc.description.abstract The budget for labor protection is a tool for planning, control and evaluation of the results of activities to ensure safe labor. The budget for labor protection and its components determine the scope of responsibility and give criteria for evaluating the work on labor protection. Within the limits of the given material classification and disclosure of expenses on carrying out of training, instruction and checks of knowledge on questions of labor protection of workers, heads and persons responsible for maintenance of labor protection; expenses on obligatory insurance of the employee from accidents at performance of labor (service) duties; expenses on maintenance of means of collective protection; expenses on maintenance of sanitary-household premises and devices; expenses on carrying out of an estimation of professional risks and expenses on working out of labor protection. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject budgeting of labor protection costs ru
dc.subject classification of labor protection costs ru
dc.subject financing of labor protection measures ru
dc.subject instructing and checking of knowledge on labor protection ru
dc.subject costs of compulsory insurance of an employee ru
dc.subject collective protection means ru
dc.type Article ru

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