01. Публикации в изданиях зарубежных стран: Recent submissions

  • Akhmadi, Aizhan; Yeskendir, Adilkhan; Dey, Nelly; Mussakhmetov, Arman; Shatkenova, Zariat; Kulyyassov, Arman; Andreeva, Anna; Utepbergenov, Darkhan; Shatkenova, Zariat; Kulyyassov, Arman; Andreeva, Anna; Utepbergenov, Darkhan (Nature Communications, 2023)
    Mutations in the human PARK7 gene that encodes protein DJ-1 lead to familial Parkinsonism due to loss of dopaminergic neurons. However, the molecular function of DJ-1 underpinning its cytoprotective effects are unclear. ...
  • Unknown author (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    At present, in the context of financial, socio-economic and political tension, in order to ensure the legal and effective conduct of the financial activities of the state, it is necessary to involve state audit, because ...
  • Nussibaliyeva, Arailym; Sergazin, Gani; Tursunbayeva, Gulzhamal; Uzbekbayev, Arman; Zhetenbayev, Nursultan; Nurgizat, Yerkebulan; Bakhtiyar, Balzhan; Orazaliyeva, Sandugash; Yussupova, Saltanat (Sensors, 2024)
    This research focuses on developing an artificial vision system for a flexible delta robot ma‑ nipulator and integrating it with machine‑to‑machine (M2M) communication to optimize real‑time device interaction. This ...
  • Zhandarbekova, Assel; Kurenkeyeva, Dariyash; Murzabekova, Kenzhegul; Mukhametzhanova, Aizhan; Kalenov, Galymzhan; Tulendiyev, Yerlan; Kuanyshbekova, Kundyz (Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2024-02)
    Given the scarcity of funds in the city budget, the current way to improve the efficiency of traffic management is to coordinate traffic lights at a number of regulated intersections or pedestrian crossings, that requires ...
  • Toktarbaiuly, O.; Kurbanova, A.; Imekova, G.; Abutalip, M.; Toktarbay, Zh. (Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2023)
    With concerns about water scarcity in arid regions, innovative solutions are imperative to meet the increasing water demand for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes. This article presents a study on the preparation ...
  • Hussein, Marwa M.; Saafan, Samia A.; Abosheiasha, H.F.; Zhou, Di; Klygach, D.S.; Vakhitov, M.G.; Trukhanov, S.V.; Trukhanov, A.V.; Trukhanov, A.V.; Zubar, T.I.; Astapovich, K.A.; Astapovich, K.A.; Zakaly, Hesham M. H.; Darwish, Moustafa A (RSC Advances, 2023)
    Nanosized spinel ferrites Co1−xNixFe2O4 (where x = 0.0–1.0) or CNFO have been produced using a chemical method. The crystal structure's characteristics have been determined through the utilization of X-ray diffraction ...
  • Sairanbekova, Ayaulym; Bekmanova, Gulmira; Omarbekova, Assel; Mukanova, Assel; Zulkhazhav, Altanbek (Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2024-02-14)
    The article describes a technology processing ontological model of words in public political discourse. The research task is developing an information question-Answering system of political discourse in Kazakh language. ...
  • Khosnutdinova, T.S.; Gemejiyeva, N.G.; Karzhaubekova, Zh.Zh.; Sultanova, N.A. (Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2022)
    The biologically active coumarins from Ferula L. species of the family Apiaceae Lindl. for the period 1970 to 2022 have been reviewed. The phytochemical investigation of different parts of Ferula L., including gum resin, ...
  • Akhmedyarov, Yerbol; Kurmanov, Nurlan; Petrova, Mariana; Iskendirova, Saule; Ashimova, Indira; Аkzhanova, Gulzira (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    This research paper debates some issues concerning a sustainable dairy industry in Kazakhstan in straight relation with environment management and innovation management. The qualitative and quantitative growth of the dairy ...
  • Manikandan, Kannan; Serikbayev, Nurzhan; Vijayasree, Shunmuganathan P.; Aravinthan, Devarasu (Symmetry, 2023)
    In this investigation, we explore the existence and intriguing features of matter-wave smooth positons in a non-autonomous one-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) system with attractive interatomic interactions. ...
  • Amangeldy, Nurzada; Ukenova, Aru; Bekmanova, Gulmira; Razakhova, Bibigul; Milosz, Marek; Kudubayeva, Saule (Sensors, 2023)
    This article is devoted to solving the problem of converting sign language into a consistent text with intonation markup for subsequent voice synthesis of sign phrases by speech with intonation. The paper proposes an ...
  • Raimbekov, Zhanarys; Syzdykbayeva, Bakyt; Rakhmetulina, Aigerim; Rakhmetulina, Zhibek; Kinasheva, Zhadyra (Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 2024)
    Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union countries play an important role in international trade with those participating in the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative (SREB), providing trade, transport, and transit ...
  • Rysbek, Aidana; Ramankulov, Yerlan; Kurmanbayev, Askar; Richert, Agnieszka; Abeldenov, Sailau (Polymers, 2022)
    In this work, the strains Bacillus megaterium RAZ 3, Azotobacter chrocococcum Az 3, Bacillus araybhattay RA 5 were used as an effective producer of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate P(3HB). The purpose of the study was to isolate ...
  • Kerimkulova, Dinara; Nazekova, Minara; Sovetbekova, Aizada; Muravskyi, Oleksii; Krasovska, Galyna (Banks and Bank Systems, 2021)
    The paper aims to assess the influence of bank lending on the performance of enterprises in the real sector. The relevance of the study for different countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, is shown. ...
  • Borja‑Castro, L. E. ; Dominguez, A. Bustamante ; Valerio‑Cuadros, M. I. ; Valencia‑Bedregal, R. A. ; Cabrera‑Tinoco, H. A. ; Espinoza Suarez, S. M. ; Kargin, J. ; Moreno, N. O. ; Barnes, C. H. W. ;  Valladares, L. De Los Santos (Hyperfine Interactions, 2022)
    Tons of waste is produced during iron steel’s industrial production, creating environmental pollution. This work aims to characterize the steel scale formed on the billet surface during the last step of steel production ...
  •  Kargin, J.; Valladares, L. De Los Santos ; Borja‑Castro, L. E. ;  Xize, Jiang; Mukhambetov, D. G. ; Konyukhov, Y. V. ; Moreno, N. O. ; Bustamante Dominguez, A. G. ; Barnes, C. H. W.  (Hyperfne Interactions, 2022-12)
    Every year, the steelmaking industry produces millions of tons of slags resulting in pollution to the environment. Among the waste, secondary metals and scales rich in iron oxides are also thrown away. There is a need ...
  • Lukpanov, Rauan; Yenkebaev, Serik; Zhantlessova, Zhibek; Dyussembinov, Duman; Altynbekova, Aliya; Rakhimov, Ruslan (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2024-04)
    The paper presents the results of the study of the proposed type of variable profile piles. The proposed type of piles is reinforced concrete driven piles segmented in length. Each subsequent section has a radial ...
  • Unknown author (Molecules, 2023)
    The production of activated carbon (AC) from lignocellulosic biomass through chemical activation is gaining global attention due to its scalability, economic viability, and environmental advantages. Chemical activation ...
  • Alpyssov, A.; Uzakkyzy, N.; Talgatbek, A.; Moldasheva, R.; Bekmagambetova, G.; Yessekeyeva, M.; Kenzhaliev, D.; Yerzhan, A.; Tolstoy, A. (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023-02)
    Plant disease and pest detection machines were originally used in agriculture and have, to some extent, replaced traditional visual identification. Plant diseases and pests are important determinants of plant ...
  • Korolkov, Ilya V.; Zibert, Alexandr V.; Lissovskaya, Lana I.; Ludzik, K.; Anisovich, M.; Kozlovskiy, Artem L.; Shumskaya, A. E.; Vasilyeva, M.; Shlimas, Dmitriy I.; Jazd, Monika; Marciniak, Beata; Kontek, Renata; Chudoba, Dorota; Zdorovets, Maxim V. (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
    In this article, a novel method of simultaneous carborane- and gadolinium-containing compounds as efficient agents for neutron capture therapy (NCT) delivery via magnetic nanocarriers is presented. The presence of both ...

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