01. Публикации в изданиях зарубежных стран: Недавние поступления

  • Самашев, Самат Кайроллаевич (Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya, 2021)
    В статье рассматривается функции тамгообразных знаков средневековых кочевников Казахстана. Учеными активно разрабатываются вопросы тамгопользования народов, населявших казахские степи с древнейших времен до наших дней. ...
  • Nurgali, Kadisha R.; Gilea, Aigerim A. (Studia Litterarum, 2023)
    In the modern English-language literary space the genre of short prose, based on the plots of classical fairy tales and addressed primarily to an adult audience, is extremely popular. Over half a century already, this genre ...
  • Ibrayeva, Akmaral; Temirkhanova, Assemgul; Kartova, Zaure; Sadykov, Tlegen; Abuov, Nurbolat; Pleshakov, Anatoliy (Heritage Science, 2021-12)
    This article uses an interdisciplinary approach to analyze textual sources from nomadic civilization. Linguistic analysis has been increasingly used due to the emergence of a huge array of autochthonous and authentic ...
  • Алефиренко, Николай Федорович; Нуртазина, Марал Бекеновна; Стебунова, Кира Константиновна (Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Yazyk i Literatura, 2021)
    Данная работа посвящена изучению открытых для дискуссии теоретико-методологических проблем современной дискурсологии. Являясь объектом междисциплинарных интересов, исследования дискурса исповедуют различные методологические ...
  • Tumashbay, Talgat; Yesim, Garifolla; Spanov, Meirkhan; Ibrayeva, Nurila; Kemerbay, Rauan; Shaldarbekova, Aisha (Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2023-07)
    In a global context, socio-organizational and personal resources play a significant role in shaping people's perception of work. The aim of the study is to investigate the role of socio-organizational and personal resources ...
  • Bakbolat, Baglan; Daulbayev, Chingis; Sultanov, Fail; Beissenov, Renat; Umirzakov, Arman; Mereke, Almaz; Bekbaev, Askhat; Chuprakov, Igor (Nanomaterials, 2020)
    The growth of industrialization, which is forced to use non-renewable energy sources, leads to an increase in environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary not only to reduce the use of fossil fuels to meet energy ...
  • Turalin, Yessengazy M.; Tulekova, Mereke K.; Ilyassova, Kulpash M.; Bakhtorazov, Seidakhan U.; Malikova, Saule Z. (Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad, 2023-05)
    The purpose of this study is to research the processes in the Turkic-speaking republics of the Soviet Union after it splits in 1991, as well as to study the subsequent aspects of the development of Kazakh-Turkey relationships ...
  • Zhumazhanova, Ainash; Mutali, Alisher; Ibrayeva, Anel; Skuratov, Vladimir; Dauletbekova, Alma; Korneeva, Ekaterina; Akilbekov, Abdirash; Zdorovets, Maxim (Crystals, 2021)
    A depth-resolved Raman spectroscopy technique was used to study the residual stress profiles in polycrystalline silicon nitride that was irradiated with Xe (167 MeV, 1 × 1011 cm−2 ÷ 4.87 × 1013 cm−2 ) and Bi (710 MeV, ...
  • Bersimbaev, Rakhmet; Pulliero, Alessandra; Bulgakova, Olga; Kussainova, Assiya; Aripova, Akmara; Izzotti, Alberto (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
    Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. microRNA expression in human bronchial epithelium cells is altered by radon, with particular reference to upregulation of miR-16, miR-15, miR-23, miR-19, ...
  • Tleukulova, Zh.; Stamgaliyeva, Z.; Dildabek, A.; Mukiyanova, G.; Omarov, R.T. (Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2021)
    The main aim of this work was to develop a time-saving and cost-effective purification method of infectious plant viral nanoparticles. Virions of Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), which is a member of Tombusvirus genus, ...
  • Байшов, Бакыт Батырбекович; Жапекова, Гульфайрус Кабдуловна; Аликулова, Нурлыгуль Сапаковна; Оразаева, Жазира Жарасовна (Bylye Gody, 2023-12)
    Каспийское море и его побережье имело огромное значение на протяжении многих веков и занимало ключевое место на Великом Шелковом пути, который был одним из наиболее важных торговых маршрутов, связывавших Восток и Запад. ...
  • Korolkov, Ilya V.; Narmukhamedova, Asiya R.; Melnikova, Galina B.; Muslimova, Indira B.; Yeszhanov, Arman B.; Zhatkanbayeva, Zh K.; Chizhik, Sergei A.; Zdorovets, Maxim V. (Membranes, 2021)
    The paper describes the separation of an oil–water emulsion by filtration using poly(ethylene terephthalate) track-etched membranes (PET TeMs) with regular pore geometry and narrow pore size distribution. PET TeMs were ...
  • Kashkinbayeva, Assem T.; Korganova, Saipzhamal S.; Gabdulina, Bagysh A.; Takibayev, Meiram A.; Kuzembayeva, Aigul O. (Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura Agroindustria y Ruralidad, 2023-05)
    Balkan Peninsula Diaspora appeared in Kazakhstan at the end of the XIX century. Firstly, the Bulgarian nationality moved, and then Greeks moved. Among the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula, the fate of the Greeks and ...
  • Muslimova, Indira B.; Zhumanazar, Nurdaulet; Melnikova, Galina B.; Yeszhanov, Arman B.; Zhatkanbayeva, Zhanna K.; Chizhik, Sergei A.; Zdorovets, Maxim V.; Güvend, Olgun; Korolkov, Ilya V. (RSC Advances, 2024)
    Stimuli-responsive membranes play an important role in the fields of biomedicine, food and chemical industries, and environmental applications, including separation of water–oil emulsions. In this study, we present a ...
  • Хабдулина, Марал Калымжановна; Кошман, Татьяна Васильевна (Bylye Gody, 2023-12)
    В статье представлен анализ историко-этнографического сведений о ТерисакканЕсильском регионе по материалам картографических и дореволюционных источников XIX – начала ХХ века. Данный регион находился в сфере интереса ...
  • Amerkhanova, Sh.; Aleksandrov, V.; Shlyapov, R.; Uali, A. (Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2019)
    Investigations of the cluster-coagulation model for some inorganic substances and mixtures of sodium thiosulfate with salts of elements (VI) of A, B groups have been carried out. The doping of sodium thiosulfate ...
  • Sagatov, Nursultan E.; Abuova, Aisulu U.; Sagatova, Dinara N.; Gavryushkin, Pavel N.; Abuova, Fatima U.; Litasov, Konstantin D. (RSC Advances, 2021)
    Based on density functional theory and the crystal structure prediction methods, USPEX and AIRSS, stable intermediate compounds in the Ni–X (X ¼ B, C, and N) systems and their structures were determined in the pressure ...
  • Mokshev, Alexandr; Nurmanbetova, Dzhamilya N. (XLinguae, 2018)
    Heuristic potential of postmodern philosophy is one of the most important issues in assessing this philosophical tradition. Postmodernists, who seek to discover and develop new problem areas, have developed their own ...
  • Barlybayev, Alibek; Amangeldy, Nurzada; Kurmetbek, Bekbolat; Krak, Iurii; Razakhova, Bibigul; Tursynova, Nazira; Turebayeva, Rakhila (Cogent Engineering, 2024)
    Over the past decade, global industrial and construction growth has underscored the importance of safety. Yet, accidents continue, often with dire outcomes, despite numerous safetyfocused initiatives. Addressing this, this ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Devrishov, Davud; Zhumagulov, Mikhail; Arystanova, Sholpan; Karagoishin, Zhaskhaiyr; Marzanova, Saida; Kydyrbekova, Aliya; Mkilima, Timoth; Li, Jianxin (Membranes, 2020)
    Industrial activities produce a variety of pollutants that may not be easily treated using centralized wastewater treatment systems based on a single treatment unit. The variability of the pollutants brings the importance ...

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