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Clustering of diamond nanoparticles, fluorination and efficiency of slow neutron reflectors

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dc.contributor.author Aleksenskii, Aleksander
dc.contributor.author Bleuel, Markus
dc.contributor.author Bosak, Alexei
dc.contributor.author Chumakova, Alexandra
dc.contributor.author Dideikin, Artur
dc.contributor.author Dubois, Marc
dc.contributor.author Korobkina, Ekaterina
dc.contributor.author Lychagin, Egor
dc.contributor.author Muzychka, Alexei
dc.contributor.author Nekhaev, Grigory
dc.contributor.author Nesvizhevsky, Valery
dc.contributor.author Nezvanov, Alexander
dc.contributor.author Schweins, Ralf
dc.contributor.author Shvidchenko, Alexander
dc.contributor.author Strelkov, Alexander
dc.contributor.author Turlybekuly, Kylyshbek
dc.contributor.author Vul’, Alexander
dc.contributor.author Zhernenkov, Kirill
dc.date.accessioned 2024-07-08T06:02:55Z
dc.date.available 2024-07-08T06:02:55Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.citation Aleksenskii, A.; Bleuel, M.; Bosak, A.; Chumakova, A.; Dideikin, A.; Dubois, M.; Korobkina, E.; Lychagin, E.; Muzychka, A.; Nekhaev, G.; et al. Clustering of Diamond Nanoparticles, Fluorination and Efficiency of Slow Neutron Reflectors. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 1945. https:// doi.org/10.3390/nano11081945 ru
dc.identifier.issn 2079-4991
dc.identifier.other DOI 10.3390/nano11081945
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/16049
dc.description.abstract Neutrons can be an instrument or an object in many fields of research. Major efforts all over the world are devoted to improving the intensity of neutron sources and the efficiency of neutron delivery for experimental installations. In this context, neutron reflectors play a key role because they allow significant improvement of both economy and efficiency. For slow neutrons, Detonation NanoDiamond (DND) powders provide exceptionally good reflecting performance due to the combination of enhanced coherent scattering and low neutron absorption. The enhancement is at maximum when the nanoparticle diameter is close to the neutron wavelength. Therefore, the mean nanoparticle diameter and the diameter distribution are important. In addition, DNDs show clustering, which increases their effective diameters. Here, we report on how breaking agglomerates affects clustering of DNDs and the overall reflector performance. We characterize DNDs using small-angle neutron scattering, X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, neutron activation analysis, dynamical light scattering, infra-red light spectroscopy, and others. Based on the results of these tests, we discuss the calculated size distribution of DNDs, the absolute cross-section of neutron scattering, the neutron albedo, and the neutron intensity gain for neutron traps with DND walls. ru
dc.description.sponsorship Funding: This research was funded by grants RFFI-18-29-19039, ERC INFRASUP P-2019-1/871072, CREMLINplus Grant agreement 871072, ANR-20-CE08-0034, and JINR grant for young scientists No. 21-402-06. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Nanomaterials ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 11, Issue 8;Article number 1945
dc.subject Albedo ru
dc.subject Clustering and agglomeration of nanodiamonds ru
dc.subject Deagglomeration ru
dc.subject Detonation nanodiamonds ru
dc.subject Fluorination ru
dc.subject Monte Carlo ru
dc.subject Nanopowder ru
dc.subject Reflectors of slow neutrons ru
dc.subject Size distribution ru
dc.title Clustering of diamond nanoparticles, fluorination and efficiency of slow neutron reflectors ru
dc.type Article ru

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