The application of bucketless bottom unloading rotor with oblique cutting knife type cutting
elements on the earthmoving machine allows enhancing significantly its excavation quantities in the road
construction compared with widely used machinery as bulldozers, auto-graders. A loading diagram of the
forces acting on an oblique cutter installed on a bucketless bottom unloading rotor is given. The action of forces
is considered with account for the complex movement made by the cutting element in space as a result of the
rotational movement and the end feed on the rotor along straight-line trajectory during layer by layer excavation
of the soil by rotor cutter. The dependences were obtained for determining the components of the digging force
by a single oblique cutting element of a bucketless bottom unloading rotor under straight-line end feed. The
bucketless bottom unloading rotor with diagonal cutting knife type cutting elements, installed on the
earthmoving machine’s frame, moving straightforwardly, allows not only to increase its output via rotation
velocity of the bucketless bottom unloading rotor but also to excavate highly stiff soils, inaccessible for existing
earthmoving machines.