Potatoes are one of the most responsive crops for grooming
techniques since in the period from seedlings before closing rows are
easily suppressed by weeds that take away nutrients, water, light from
it. The factor that causes high harm to potatoes is weed. By absorbing a
large number of nutrients and moisture from the soil, weeds inhibit the
growth and development of plants, reducing their potential productivity.
The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of the timing of the
introduction of bedding manure in conjunction with mineral fertilizers
and planting density on the weediness of potato plantings. Studies were
provided to identify the impact of the timing of bedding manure together
with mineral fertilizers and planting density for weed planting potatoes.
Experiments were laid by the systematic method with a tiered arrangement
of variants in the experiment with a 3-fold repetition. We used cattle
manure on straw bedding for autumn-winter harvesting. The following
types of fertilizers were used: ammonium nitrate, double superphosphate,
potassium chloride. Determination of the amount and biomass of weeds
in potato plantings was carried out in the flowering phase and before
harvesting. The application of manure was accompanied by an increase
in the number and weight of weeds. Annual weeds predominated in potato
plantings: Amaranthus retroflexus L., 1753 and Amaranthus blitoides S.
Watson, 1877, Chenopodium album L. Chenopodium album L., 1753, Setaria
P. Beauv, 1812 and Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv, 1812, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.)
BEAUV., 1812 and others, perennials included Cirsium arvense (L.) SCOP. 1772
and Sonchus arvensis L., 1753, (Elytrigia repens (L.) DESV. ex NEVSKI, 1933
and others. Planting density also has a definite effect on the development
of weeds. When manure was applied in autumn under the plow, the number
of weeds increased in comparison with other options, where only mineral
fertilizers were applied. The application of manure over frozen plow and
in winter over snow leads to a slight decrease (2.3-2.5 pcs/m2
) of weeds.
The greatest number of weeds is observed during the spring application of
manure for plowing the fall plow. Nevertheless, studies aimed at clarifying
the composition and structure of weediness, the number and weight of
weeds in potato plantings are of great practical importance for local
agricultural producers. These data should contribute to the development
of an effective weed control system and high yields of potatoes in the region