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The formation of a mechanism to improve the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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dc.contributor.author Yeginbayeva, Akzhan Yeginbayeva
dc.contributor.author Karipova, Ainur
dc.contributor.author Petrovcikova, Katarina
dc.contributor.author Issayeva, Bibigul
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-10T12:25:42Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-10T12:25:42Z
dc.date.issued 2023-12
dc.identifier.citation Yeginbayeva, A., Karipova, A., Petrovcikova, K., & Issayeva, B. (2024). The formation of a mechanism to improve the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific Horizons, 26(12), 162-171. doi: 10.48077/scihor1.2024.162 ru
dc.identifier.issn 2709-8877
dc.identifier.other DOI: 10.48077/scihor1.2024.162
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/16173
dc.description.abstract Agriculture plays an important role in the development of any country, which makes it important to study and consider the peculiarities of its development. One of the components of the agricultural sector is the sugar industry, which makes its analysis relevant. Thus, the research aims to form methods for increasing the level of competitiveness of sugar industry products. The study was conducted within the framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considering the features that characterize the development of the industry in the country. The main method of the study can be considered modeling. In addition, it is worth noting the analysis, historical method, induction, and others. Thus, the research considered the main trends in the volume of beet cultivation in Kazakhstan. It was shown that the number of tons of production in a section of 1 hectare in the country increases over time, which is a good indicator of the development of the industry. The mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of sugar products was also shown and substantiated. The authors concluded that it is possible to reach better results for the enterprises of the sector if the state has a more active influence on the activity of the companies in the aspect of economic assistance, as well as if it provides technological infrastructure development, personnel training, an increase of production possibilities, usage of new varieties of beet for increasing the level of fertility, etc. Thus, this study creates new knowledge in the context of studying the peculiarities of the state-stimulating policy, as well as provides an opportunity to take a different look at the sugar industry market in Kazakhstan, and the features of its development ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Scientific Horizons ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries 27(1),;162-171
dc.subject entrepreneurship ru
dc.subject management ru
dc.subject macroeconomics ru
dc.subject market research ru
dc.subject agriculture ru
dc.title The formation of a mechanism to improve the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan ru
dc.type Article ru

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