In this study, the relationship between gaming, social media and internet addiction,
which are within the scope of technology addiction, and school achievement and
study behavior was examined. The sample of the study consisted of 240 students
studying in grades 5-8 of 4 schools in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The study was
designed in the comparative relational survey model and is descriptive in nature.
In the study, a questionnaire was used as a data collection method. In this context,
"Internet Addiction Scale", "Digital Game Addiction Scale", "Social Media
Addiction Scale" and "Study Behavior Scale" were used in the research. T and F
tests were used in the analyses made with SPSS 26.0 program. As a result of the
study, it was determined that the technology addictions of the students
participating in the research differed in terms of gender and grade level variables.
In the study, social media addiction of female students was found to be high, while
digital game addiction was found to be high in male students. It was also observed
that technology addiction increased as the class level increased. Finally, students
with low achievement and study behavior levels were found to have high
technology addictions.