This article deals with an inductive way of English language teaching. This acquisition process can help bilingual
students to learn, find rules and apply them to new contexts. The objective of the paper is to propose a model of
teaching that promotes student-centered approach where a teacher guides learners in discovery and provides more
opportunities to practice, particularly in grammar. Basis of such approach is a training environment, in which the
student is not an object to whom knowledge is transferred in a ready-made form but the subject of training process
therefore knowledge, abilities, skills for the student are the result of his researches, decisions and creativity. The model
of teaching and student-centered activities has been explored through the action research. Based on the experiment, it
can be emphasized that a progressive way of teaching grammar moves the focus away from the teacher as the
information provider and enables students to focus on use. Finally, the inductive approach as more effective for
achieving learning goals and outcomes, is presented in the article from the perspectives of the bilingual learners.