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“The Diamond Generation” as a cultural aspect of rebirth: based on the article “New Word” of the Doctor of Philosophy, writer Garifolla Yesim.

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dc.contributor.author Naizabayeva, G.A.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-06-08T05:04:01Z
dc.date.available 2023-06-08T05:04:01Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.issn 2616-7255
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/2001
dc.description.abstract In one of the valuable, noble dictum inherited from the ancient ancestors of the Kazakh people - «A person who is not able to bring up himself, will not be able to set a worthy example to others» lies a deep meaning. As we know, we have come to a century in which there are aspects of violence, cruelty and hostility. Someone leaves huge palaces and money to their descendants, someone builds houses and gives all their wealth, and then who gets wisdom and intelligence, gifts, customs, traditions, beliefs, treasures of knowledge? Analyzing the past experience of our ancestors, we wonder how our generation was able to lose all the legacy that we got. Today, the urgent problem is that advice from father to son, from mother to daughter, from brother to brother, from mentor to student, from mother-in-law to the bride, from citizen to people, from ancestors to offspring and advice on other relationships are not passed on from generation to generation. To date, the processes in which members of society share tips, listen to each other are stopped, the unity of the generation is exhausted, the stagnation of family relations. What to do right and what not, how to start and live life? Let’s try to find answers to such questions as how to live this life and safely go to another world. The most important thing is to try to restore the lost heritage that was transmitted to us from our ancestors. The main goal is to follow the same honest path as our ancestors, a path with thousands of obstacles. In this regard, the article by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Garifolla Yesim “New Word”, published on the political arena of our country after the message of the new president Tokaev Kasym-Zhomart Kemelovich, became a reference material for studying this urgent and large-scale topic.“The Diamond Generation” implies the correct upbringing of the new generation and the desire for Kazakh-speaking. In his article, the professor noted what methods should be used to modernize our country in the national style, to embody the forms of Kazakh spiritual and cultural development in the modern era. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject Garifolla Yesim ru
dc.subject diamond generation ru
dc.subject new word ru
dc.subject cultural values ru
dc.subject youth policy ru
dc.subject generation education ru
dc.subject sources of the future ru
dc.subject social problems ru
dc.subject sense of identity ru
dc.subject metanation ru
dc.subject statehood ru
dc.subject new era ru
dc.subject unfavorable family ru
dc.title “The Diamond Generation” as a cultural aspect of rebirth: based on the article “New Word” of the Doctor of Philosophy, writer Garifolla Yesim. ru
dc.type Article ru

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