The paper presents data on changes in strength properties, including data on microhardness, crack resistance, bending strength and wear of BeO ceramics as a result of irradiation with heavy accelerated ions.
The following types of ions were selected as heavy ions: O2+ (28 MeV), Ar8+ (70 MeV), Kr15+ (147
MeV), Xe22+ (230 MeV). Radiation doses were 10 13 -10 15 ion/cm2
, which make it possible to assess
the effect of both single defects arising from radiation, and cluster overlapping defective areas occurring
at large radiation doses. During the studies carried out, it was found that an increase in the ion energy
and, consequently, in the damaging ability and depth of the damaged area, leads to a sharp decrease
in the strength mechanical characteristics of ceramics, which is due to an increase in defective areas in
the material of the near-surface damaged layer. However, an increase in irradiation dose for all types
of exposure results in an almost equilibrium decrease in strength characteristics and the same trend of change in strength characteristics. The obtained dependencies indicate that the proposed mechanisms responsible for changing the strength properties can, under certain assumptions, be extrapolated to various types of exposure to heavy ions in the energy range (25-250 MeV).