Научные статьи: Недавние поступления

  • Mkilima, Timoth; Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Ubaidulayeva, Nurbala; Zandybay, Amanbek; Khusainov, Mansur; Nurmukhanbetova, Nurgul; Tastanova, Lyazzat; Mashan, Toghan; Meirbekov, Abdilda (Molecules, 2021)
    Textile industry production processes generate one of the most highly polluted wastewaters in the world. Unfortunately, the field is also challenged by the availability of relatively cheap and highly effective technologies ...
  • Mukasheva, Manargul; Omirzakova, Aisara (World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021)
    The study was carried out from 2018 to 2020 with the challenge - how to assess the level of computational thinking. The research design is mixed since the disclosure of mutual influence of the components of the chain ...
  • Nurakhmetov, Turlybek N. ;  Alibay, Temirulan T.; Tolekov, Doszhan A. ;  Shamiyeva, Raushan K.; Pazylbek, Sapargali ; Karoblis, Dovydas ;  Raudonis, Rimantas; Zarkov, Aleksej ; Kiuberis, Jonas ; Kareiva, Aivaras  (CHEMIJA, 2023)
    Vacuum ultraviolet and thermal activation spectroscopies were used to study the  nature of intrinsic emission and the  mechanisms of the  formation of electron and hole trapping centres in irradiated Li2 SO4 powders ...
  • Жанбозова, А.Б.; Тургель, И.Д.; Азатбек, Т.А. (Economy of Regions, 2021)
    Сложность проведения сравнительной оценки развития B2C электронной коммерции в странах Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС) обусловлена несоизмеримостью их экономик и наличием многомерных, порой неоднородных статистических ...
  • Keldibekova, Raushan; Suleimenova, Symbat; Nurgozhina, Gulden; Kopishev, Eldar (Polymers, 2023)
    Interpolymer complexes based on cellulose ethers have gained significant interest in recent years due to their versatile applications. These complexes are formed by combining different polymers through non-covalent ...
  • Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Zlatev, Zlatin; Ilies, Alexandru; Zharas, Berdenov; Pantea, Emilia; Hodor, Nicolaie; Indrie, Liliana; Turza, Alexandru; Taghiyari, Hamid R.; Caciora, Tudor; Costea, Monica; Safarov, Bahodiron; Lucian, Barbu-Tudoran (Sensors, 2022)
    The old fibers that make up heritage textiles displayed in museums are degraded by the aging process, environmental conditions (microclimates, particulate matter, pollutants, sunlight) and the action of microorganisms. ...
  • Madiyarova, Diana; Amirbekova, Ainur; Syrlybayev, Marat (Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 2018-04-01)
    The aim of this study is to determine the competitive advantages of Kazakhstan in trading with other countries based on revealed comparative advantages, in which the interlinked commodity exchanges will be developed in the ...
  • Sagidullayeva, Zhanna; Nugmanova, Gulgassyl; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Serikbayev, Nurzhan (Symmetry, 2022)
    In this paper, we study the Kuralay equations, namely the Kuralay-I equation (K-IE) and the Kuralay-II equation (K-IIE). The integrable motion of space curves induced by these equations is investigated. The gauge equivalence ...
  • Tuleushev, Adil Z.; Harrison, Fiona E.; Kozlovskiy, Artem L.; Zdorovets, Maxim V. (Polymers, 2023)
    We present here a novel experimental study of changes after contact electrification in the optical transmission spectra of samples of both pristine and irradiated PET film treated with Kr+15 ions of energy of 1.75 MeV ...
  • Bou-Belda, Eva; Indrie, Liliana; Ilieș, Dorina Camelia; Hodor, Nicolaie; Berdenov, Zharas; Herman, Grigore; Caciora, Tudor (Industria Textila, 2020)
    Old textiles represent important samples of the mobile cultural heritage, having implications on the social and spiritual life of each population. In order to keep them in the best condition, it is necessary to implement ...
  • Mukhambetov, D. G.; Valladares, L. De Los Santos; Kargin, J. B.; Kozlovskiy, A. L. (Oxidation of Metals, 2018)
    In this work we present a model for the surface oxide film growth considering the influence of space charge. The space charge field Esp is assumed proportional to the charge of moving metal ions and electrons in the oxide ...
  • Yerzhanov, Koblandy; Bauyrzhan, Gulnur; Altaibayeva, Aziza; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2021)
    It is shown that the inflationary model is the result of the symmetry of the generalized F(R, T, X, ϕ)-cosmological model using the Noether symmetry. It leads to a solution, a particular case of which is Starobinsky’s ...
  • Tuleushev, Adil Z.; Zdorovets, Maxim V.; Kozlovskiy, Artem L.; Harrison, Fiona Erica (Crystals, 2020)
    This paper presents the results of a study of the ordering in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film induced by Ar8+ ions with an irradiation fluence of 2 × 1012 ions/cm2 , and of the temporal stability of the induced ...
  • Orynbayev, Zhassulan; Nechayeva, Yelena; Sergazin, Yerbolat; Muminov, Nurlan; Tumashbay, Talgat (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2024)
    Amidst the complex geopolitical dynamics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan grapples with urgent water security issues exacerbated by climate change, underscoring the critical need to examine this issue within the context of ...
  • Lukpanov, Rauan; Dyusembinov, Duman; Shakhmov, Zhanbolat; Tsygulov, Denis; Aibuldinov, Yelaman; Vatin, Nikolai Ivanovich (Crystals, 2022)
    The paper proposes an impregnation composition for cement concrete roads used as an ice-phobic coating. The composition has been made based on keratin-containing components derived from animal waste with the addition of ...
  • Tishkevich, Daria I.; Rotkovich, Anastasia A.; German, Stepan A.; Zhaludkevich, Aliaksandr L.; Vershinina, Tatiana N.; Bondaruk, Anastasia A.; Razanau, Ihar U.; Dong, Mengge; Sayyed, M. I.; Leonchik, Sergey V.; Zubar, Tatiana; Silibin, Maxim V.; Trukhanovaj, Sergei V.; Trukhanov, Alex V. (RSC Advances, 2023)
    W–Bi2O3 composites were fabricated using the hot isostatic pressing technique for the first time. The duration of the samples sintering was 3 minutes under conditions of high pressure and temperature. The study ...
  • Ponomarenko, Oksana V.; Panshina, Svetlana Yu.; Bakibaev, Abdigali A.; Erkasov, Rahmetulla Sh.; Kenzhebaj, Madina S.; Montaeva, Anel' S. (Eurasian Journal of Chemistry, 2023)
    In the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, bicyclic bisureas — glycolurils, have a special place. Glycolurils are used as a basis for the industrial production of substances that have found application in many areas of ...
  • Bekov, Sabit; Myrzakulov, Kairat; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Gómez, Diego Sáez-Chillón (Symmetry, 2020)
    Slow-roll inflation is analyzed in the context of modified gravity within the Palatini formalism. As shown in the literature, inflation in this framework requires the presence of non-traceless matter; otherwise, it does ...
  • Kerimkhulle, Seyit; Dildebayeva, Zhulduz; Tokhmetov, Akylbek; Amirova, Akzhibek; Tussupov, Jamalbek; Makhazhanova, Ulzhan; Adalbek, Alibek; Taberkhan, Roman; Zakirova, Alma; Salykbayeva, Alua (Symmetry, 2023)
    This article addresses the issue of information security in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environment. Information security risk assessment in the IIoT is complicated by several factors: the complexity and ...
  • Zdorovets, Maxim V.; Korolkov, Ilya V.; Yeszhanov, Arman B.; Gorin, Yevgeniy G. (Polymers, 2019)
    Nowadays, water quality monitoring is an essential task since environmental contamination and human exposure to heavy metals increased. Sensors that are able to detect ever lower concentrations of heavy metal ions with ...

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