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Посмотр 01. Публикации в изданиях зарубежных стран по дате публикации

Посмотр 01. Публикации в изданиях зарубежных стран по дате публикации

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Zhussupbekov, Askar; Morev, Ivan; Omarov, Abdulla; Borgekova, Karlygash; Zhukenova, Gyulnara (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2017-07)
    Estimation of bearing capacity and settlement plays an essential role in designing pile foundations of buildings. This paper presents the results of pile static and dynamic loading tests taken place in the construction ...
  • Aruova, Lyazat; Dauzhanov, Nabi; Tokmyrza, Batyrkhan; Utkelbaeva, Aizhan; Shashpan, Zolaman (International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 2018)
    An energy efficient technology and a method for the production of foam concrete products have been developed. They involve the use of solar energy in the process in order to reduce energy consumption for heat treatment, ...
  • Damba, L.D.; Balanovskaya, Е.V.; Zhabagin, М.K.; Yusupov, Y.М.; Bogunov, Y.V.; Sabitov, Z.M. ; Agdzhoyan, А.Т.; Korotkovа, N.А.; Lavryashina, М.B.; Mongush, B.B.; Kavai-ool, U.N.; Balanovsky, O.P. (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2018)
    With a view to trace the Mongol expansion in Tuvinian gene pool we studied two largest Tuvinian clans – those in which, according to data of humanities, one could expect the highest Central Asian ancestry, connected ...
  • Damba, L.D.; Balanovskaya, Е.V.; Zhabagin, М.K.; Yusupov, Y.М.; Bogunov, Y.V.; Sabitov, Z.M. ; Agdzhoyan, А.Т.; Korotkova, N.А.; Lavryashina, М.B.; Mongush, B.B.; Kavai-ool, U.N.; Balanovsky, O.P. (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2018)
    With a view to trace the Mongol expansion in Tuvinian gene pool we studied two largest Tuvinian clans – those in which, according to data of humanities, one could expect the highest Central Asian ancestry, connected ...
  • Mashentseva, Anastassiya A.; Zdorovets, Maxim V.; Borgekov, Daryn B. (Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, 2018)
    In the paper, the catalytic activity of composites based on gold nanotubes and ion track membranes was studied using bench reaction of the p-nitrophenol (4-NP) reduction in the temperature range of 25-40 °C. The efficiency ...
  • Жабагин, М.К.; Балановский, О.П.; Сабитов, Ж.М.; Темиргалиев, А.З.; Агджоян, А.Т.; Кошель, С.М.; Раманкулов, Е.М. ; Балановская, Е.В. (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2018)
    Использование для изучения генофонда квазигенетических маркеров – признаков небиологической природы (фамилия, род), но четко наследующихся в поколениях, – одно из направлений в популяционной генетике человека. Если для ...
  • Aruova, Lyazat; Dauzhanov, Nabi; Tokmyrza, Batyrkhan; Utkelbaeva, Aizhan; Shashpan, Zolaman (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    An energy efficient technology and a method for the production of foam concrete products have been developed. They involve the use of solar energy in the process in order to reduce energy consumption for heat treatment, ...
    Radon is one of the most powerful carcinogens, particularly in terms of lung cancer onset and development. miRNAs may be considered not only as markers of the ongoing tumorigenesis but also as a hallmark of exposure ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Жабагин, М.К.; Балановский, О.П.; Сабитов, Ж.М.; Темиргалиев, А.З.; Агджоян, А.Т.; Кошель, С.М.; Раманкулов, Е.М. ; Балановская, Е.В. (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2018)
    Использование для изучения генофонда квазигенетических маркеров – признаков небиологической природы (фамилия, род), но четко наследующихся в поколениях, – одно из направлений в популяционной генетике человека. Если для ...
  • Tashenov, Yerbolat; Daniels, Mathias; Robeyns, Koen; Meervelt, Luc Van; Dehaen, Wim; Suleimen, Yerlan M.; Szakonyi, Zsolt (Molecules, 2018)
    A library of bidentate diols, as well as tridentate triols and aminodiols, derived from (+)-sabinol, was synthesized in a stereoselective manner. Sabinol was transformed into allylic trichloroacetamide via Overman ...
  • Aruova, Lyazat; Dauzhanov, Nabi; Tokmyrza, Batyrkhan; Utkelbaeva, Aizhan; Shashpan, Zolaman (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    An energy efficient technology and a method for the production of foam concrete products have been developed. They involve the use of solar energy in the process in order to reduce energy consumption for heat treatment, ...
  • Kazhmaganbetova, Zarina; Imangaliyev, Shnar; Sharipbay, Altynbek (International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018)
    The objective of the work that is presented in this paper was the problem of the communication optimization and detection of the issues of computing resources performance degradation [1, 2] with the usage of machine ...
  • Mokshev, Alexandr; Nurmanbetova, Dzhamilya N. (XLinguae, 2018)
    Heuristic potential of postmodern philosophy is one of the most important issues in assessing this philosophical tradition. Postmodernists, who seek to discover and develop new problem areas, have developed their own ...
  • Niyazova, Aigul Y.; Mussagozhina, Alma K.; Kabdenova, Ayazhan B.; Lukpanova, Assylzada E.; Kozhakanova, Madina T. (XLinguae, 2018)
    The article is devoted to the practical training of high school students in the field of transport logistics in everyday speech and the language of the non-linguistic specialty for the active use of a foreign language, ...
  • Ospanova, Aigerim Nuralievna; Nursultanova, Lazat Nurbaevna; Abdullin, Ruslan Batyrzhanovich; Shenin, Andrei Sergeevich; Akhmet, Aliya Serikbolovna (Space and Culture, India, 2018)
    This article aims to provide a historical ground for future research on geopolitical and economic transformations in Asia. It is devoted to the current situation around two Central Asian megaprojects: The U.S.'s "New Silk ...
  • Tazitdinova, Rumiya; Tazitdinova, R.; Beisenova, Raikhan; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Aubakirova, Bakhyt; Nurgalieva, Zina; Zandybai, Amanbek; Fakhrudenova, Idiya; Kurmanbayeva, Aigul (Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018)
    The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to an increase in the volume of heavy metals entering the environment. The impact of heavy metals has been studied by many ...
  • Boken, Gulnaz Sailaubaikyzy; Kabyken, Magzhan Alibiuly; Shapauov, Alibi Kabykenovich (Space and Culture, India, 2018)
    The article compares the dramatic works of the famous writers Slawomir Mrozek, Tadeusz Rozewicz and Sadykbek Adambekov, Kaltay Mukhamedzhanov in the aspect of Kazakh-Polish literary ties that have had a long history. The ...
  • Kozlovskiy, Artem L. ; Shlimas, Dmitriy I. ; Zdorovets, Maxim V. ; Mashentseva, Anastassiya A. ; Kadyrzhanov, Kairat K.  (Chemical Papers, 2018)
    This work is dedicated to developing a simple methodology that allows for the application of a thermal annealing process, which can improve the conductivity of metallic nanostructures, embedded in porous track-etched ...
  • Бейсенов, Арман Зияденович; Торгоев, Асан Исакбекович; Дуйсенбай, Данияр Болатбекулы; Ахияров, Ислам Кизамединович (Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya, 2018)
    Статья посвящена результатам раскопок комплекса кургана с «усами» на р. Атасу (Центральный Казахстан, Карагандинская область). Курганы с «усами» представляют собой малоизученный тип памятников, которые исследователи ...

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