Факультет естественных наук: Recent submissions

  • Korolkov, Ilya V.; Zibert, Alexandr V.; Lissovskaya, Lana I.; Ludzik, K.; Anisovich, M.; Kozlovskiy, Artem L.; Shumskaya, A. E.; Vasilyeva, M.; Shlimas, Dmitriy I.; Jazd, Monika; Marciniak, Beata; Kontek, Renata; Chudoba, Dorota; Zdorovets, Maxim V. (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021)
    In this article, a novel method of simultaneous carborane- and gadolinium-containing compounds as efficient agents for neutron capture therapy (NCT) delivery via magnetic nanocarriers is presented. The presence of both ...
  • Mkilima, Timoth; Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Kydyrbekova, Aliya; Bazarbayeva, Tursynkul; Daldabayeva, Gulnur; Zholdasbek, Aknur; Shegenbayev, Abzal; Dzhexenbayev, Nurbolat; Oshanova, Gulaina; Kaisagaliyeva, Gulzhakhan (Water, 2023)
    This study focuses on evaluating the efficacy of biofilm-enhanced natural zeolite for the purification of slaughterhouse wastewater. The investigation encompasses four distinct treatment methods: employing natural zeolite ...
  • Unknown author (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2019)
    Самый распространенный тип рака в структуре онкологических заболеваний – рак легкого, который представляет собой серьезную проблему не только в Республике Казахстан, но и по всему миру. Воздействие радона классифицируется ...
  • Ualiyeva, Rimma Meyramovna; Kaverina, Mariya Mikhailovna; Ivanko, Lyubov Nikolaevna; Zhangazin, Sayan Berikovich (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023-06)
    The article is devoted to the study of spring wheat varieties cultivated in the steppe area of North-Eastern Kazakhstan and their resistance to the main pests. The dynamics of the number and phenology of spring wheat ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Bazarbayeva, Tursynkul; Orynbassar, Raigul; Tleukulov, Almas; Madina, Nabiollina; Mashan, Togzhan; Dariya, Akubayeva; Apendina, Ainagul; Nurmukhanbetova, Nurgul (Molecules, 2022-02)
    Electrochemical methods have been increasingly gaining popularity in the field of wastewater treatment. However, the performance of these methods can be highly affected by the polarity direction as determined by the ...
  • Mukusheva, Gulim K.; Jalmakhanbetova, Roza I.; Shaibek, Altynay Zh.; Nurmaganbetova, Manshuk S.; Zhasymbekova, Aigerym R.; Nurkenov, Oralgazy A.; Akishina, Ekaterina A.; Kolesnik, Irina A.; Dikusar, Evgenij A.; Terpinskaya, Tatiana I.; Kulchitsky, Vladimir A.; Potkin, Vladimir I.; Pushkarchuk, Alexander L.; Lyakhov, Dmitry A.; Michels, Dominik L. (Molecules, 2024)
    Alkaloid-based urea derivatives were produced with high yield through the reaction of anabasine and cytisine with isoxazolylphenylcarbamates in boiling benzene. Their antitumor activity, in combination with the commonly ...
  • Turebayeva, Pana; Guslyakov, Alexey N.; Novikova, Svetlana A.; Khlebnikov, Andrei I.; Befus, Ekaterina A.; Meshcheryakov, Evgeniy P.; Bakibaev, Abdigali A.; Kusepova, Lyazat; Kassenova, Nazira; Sharipova, Sarzhan; Yerkassov, Rakhmetulla (Molecules, 2023)
    The absorption/desorption of water vapor by bambus[6]uril (Bu[6]) has been studied. According to kinetic experiments, the absorption capacity of Bu[6] is 4 moles of water per 1 mole of Bu[6] with the absorption duration ...
    Bukabayeva Z, Abiyev S, Silybayeva B, Assanova U, Sharipkhanova A, Sagdatkyzy B. 2023. Epiphytic and epigeal lichens as bioindicators of air pollution in the Burabay National Park, Kazakhstan. Biodiversitas 24: 2701-2709. ...
  • Satkanov, Mereke; Tazhibay, Diana; Zhumabekova, Bibigul; Assylbekova, Gulmira; Abdukarimov, Nurzhan; Nurbekova, Zhadyrassyn; Kulatayeva, Maral; Aubakirova, Karlygash; Alikulov, Zerekbai (MethodsX, 2024-01)
    Molybdenum enzymes (Mo-enzymes) contain a molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) in the active site. These enzymes are potentially interesting for studying the survival mechanism of fish under hypoxic water conditions. This is because ...
  • Kodsi, Salma Al; Oda, Kazuhiro; Awwad, Talal (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2018-12)
    Skin friction distribution occurs due to a relative movement between pile and adjacent soil. Varied factors affecting this movement get the soil to, occasionally, settle more than that of the pile. In this case, negative ...
  • Omarov, Abdulla R.; Kuderin, Marat; Zhussupbekov, Askar; Kaliakin, Victor N.; Iskakov, Sultan (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021-09)
    The construction of unique structures is complicated by the fact that codes and standards do not exactly apply to such structures. This paper presents an overview of the analysis, design, wind tunnel testing and field ...
  • Unknown author (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2023-10)
    To solve the problem of insufficient accounting of engineering-geological conditions and types of soils in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to systematize and generalize information on ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Zhumagulov, Mikhail; Saspugayeva, Gulnur; Jakupova, Zhanar; Mussimkhan, Maral (Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2019)
    With the interest to reuse and recycle the wastewater for technological use, this project aims to test the treatment of wastewater from poultry slaughterhouse industry from three main sections of the poultry slaughtering ...
  • Utegalieva, Tamila; Dukenbayeva, Assiya; Ergazy, Aida; Yessenova, Gulden; Nurgabyl, Altynay (BIO Web of Conferences, 2024)
    This paper presents the results of microscopic analysis of a perspective medicinal plant Helianthus tuberosus used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The study was conducted to identify specific morphological ...
  • Bukabayeva, Z.; Abiyev, S.; Silybayeva, B.; Ivachshenko, O. (Biosystems Diversity, 2024)
    The global diversity of approximately 25,000 lichen species (e.g., from the genera Usnea, Cladonia, and Peltigera), including rare and endangered ones, highlights the importance of preserving their population in the State ...
  • Dutbayev, Yerlan; Kharipzhanova, Aidana; Yesserkenov, Aidarkhan; Ten, Anatoly; Garmashov, Sergey; Popova, Lyubov; Konstantinova, Olga; Sagyndykov, Utemurat (OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023)
    One of the main drawbacks of winter wheat varieties cultivated in Kazakhstan is their lack of resistance to common root rot. In 2020-2022, samples affected by root rot were taken in the earing phase in stationary ...
  • Yeginbayeva, Akzhan Yeginbayeva; Karipova, Ainur; Petrovcikova, Katarina; Issayeva, Bibigul (Scientific Horizons, 2023-12)
    Agriculture plays an important role in the development of any country, which makes it important to study and consider the peculiarities of its development. One of the components of the agricultural sector is the sugar ...
    Aipova R, Abdykadyrova A, Silayev D, Tazabekova E, Oshergina I, Ten E, Kurmanbaye A. 2020. The fabrication of the complex bio-fertilizer for wheat cultivation based on collection bacteria of the PGPR group. Biodiversitas ...
  • Yessentugel, Azi; Shamakhay, Saira; Sarkulova, Manifa; Imanzhusip, Raushan (RIVAR, 2023-05)
    The relevance of this study lies in the lack of a qualitative study of such an important historical phenomenon as the order of knights serı. Steppe knights as the last manifestation of the fighting spirit of the Kazakh ...
  • Salikhov, Talgat; Elubaev, Sagyntay; Tynykulov, Marat; Kapbassova, Gulzhanat; Makhmutova, Anar (SCIENTIFIC HORIZONS, 2021)
    Potatoes are one of the most responsive crops for grooming techniques since in the period from seedlings before closing rows are easily suppressed by weeds that take away nutrients, water, light from it. The factor ...

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