Факультет естественных наук: Recent submissions

  • Shamshedenova, Samal; Beisenova, Raikhan; Rakhymzhan, Zhanar; Zhaznaeva, Zhanat; Syzdykova, Nazym; Tazitdinova, Rumiya; Khanturin, Marat (Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2019-12)
    In this article, the purpose of the research was to study the ecological characteristics of groundwater and central water supply used for drinking and economic activity of the Kievka village. The hydrochemical indicators ...
  • Volkova, Vladislava; Shevtsov, Mikhail; Togabaev, Esengeldi; Utepbergenova, Laura; Yeleussinova, Akmaral; Abdukalikova, Gulnara; Smagulova, Elmira; Tleulenova, Gulshat (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2023-11)
    Biological treatment of domestic wastewater is not limited to wastewater treatment. The main problem in this activity is the processing and disposal of waste generated at treatment facilities, where the main task is ...
  • Awwad, Talal; Mussabayev, Turlybek; Tulebekova, Assel; Jumabayev, Atogali (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2019-08)
    The current calculating theories of massive constructions are based on the simplified models without consideration of factors settlement as nonhomogeneous environments interaction, the interacting environments nonlinearity ...
  • Toibazarov, Daulet; Baiseitov, Gani; Kyzyrkanov, Abzal; Aljawarneh, Shadi; Atanov, Sabyrzhan (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023-04)
    Maintaining a specific geometric formation during the movement is crucial for multiagent systems of mobile robots in various applications. Proper coordination can lead to reduced system costs, increased reliability and ...
  • Akishev, Karshyga; Tulegulov, Amandos; Kalkenov, Aslan; Aryngazin, Kapar; Nurtai, Zhadira; Yergaliyev, Dastan; Yergesh, Manas; Jumagaliyeva, Ainura (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    The object of the study is the automotive industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The subject of the study is the management of the decision-making process in assessing the consumer capabilities of potential customers of ...
  • Barlybayev, Alibek; Zhetkenbay, Lena; Karimov, Didar; Yergesh, Banu (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023-08)
    Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) it is a type of neural network that combines the strengths of both fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. ANFIS is particularly useful in stock trading because it ...
  • Akbayeva, Lyailya; Bakeshova, Zhumabike; Mamytova, Nurgul; Yelikbayev, Bakhytzhan; Abzhalelov, Akhan; Tazitdinova, Rumiya; Beisenova, Raikhan (Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2024-05)
    The purpose of the work was to conduct biotesting for the presence of antibiotics in several lakes of the Akmola region, located in the zone of possible ingress of antimicrobial drugs into them. The adopted research ...
  • Zhussupbekov, Askar; Omarov, Abdulla; Tanyrbergenova, Gulzhanat (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2018-12)
    High-rise buildings pose new challenges for engineers, especially in the field of calculations and design of above-ground structures, bases and foundations. Some consideration the anticipated responses to adjacent ...
  • Moldagaliyev, Arman; Zhangabay, Nurlan; Suleimenov, Ulanbator; Avramov, Konstantin; Raimberdiyev, Talzhan; Chernobryvko, Maryna; Umbitaliyev, Altynsary; Jumabayev, Atogali; Yeshimbetov, Shairbek (Applied mechanics, 2023)
    This paper considers the deformation process of a typical section of a steel trunk pipeline with a defective zone, strengthened with a carbon fiber composite lining, under the influence of stationary internal pressure. ...
  • Zhussupbekov, Askar; Iwasaki, Yoshinori; Omarov, Abdulla; Tanyrbergenova, Gulzhanat; Akhazhanov, Sungat (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2019-06)
    This paper presents the complex analysis of diverse field loading tests of ten large diameter deep bored piles on CFA technology at the Karachaganak Processing Complex (KPC), Aksay, Kazakhstan. On the basis of core ...
  • Bazarbayeva, Zh.; Ilderbayev, O.; Suleimenova, A.; Dukenbayeva, A.; Nurmukhambetova, G.; Kabylbek, A. (BIO Web of Conferences, 2024)
    The morphometric body parameters of male and female Bactrian camels, Kazakh Bactrian, were studied. Compared to camels of other breeds, the Kazakh Bactrian turned out to be one of the largest camels, having up to 750 ...
  • Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Kydyrbekova, Aliya; Devrishov, Davud; Ubaidulayeva, Nurbala; Tuyakbayeva, Akmaral; Zhangazin, Sayan; Ualiyeva, Rimma; Kolpakova, Valentina; Yeremeyeva, Yuliya; Mkilima, Timoth (Water, 2023-02)
    Zeolite materials are among the relatively cheap and readily available materials for wastewater treatment. However, the performance of zeolite-based systems can be highly affected by the material properties. In this study, ...
  • Yenkebayeva, Aigerim; Lukpanov, Rauan; Yenkebayev, Serik; Tsygulyov, Denis (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2021-11)
    This paper presented comparative analysis of design solutions of a reinforced railroad embankment using various calculation methods. To conduct a detailed comparative analysis, a remote part of the projected railway ...
  • Matkarimov, Bakhyt T.; Saparbaev, Murat K. (PeerJ, 2023)
    Background. Francis Crick’s central dogma provides a residue-by-residue mechanistic explanation of the flow of genetic information in living systems. However, this principle may not be sufficient for explaining how random ...
  • Sugirbay, Adilet; Jian, Zhao; Nukeshev, Sayakhat; Jun, Chen; Zagainov, Nikolay; Lingxin, Bu; Sugirbayeva, Zhanar; Hu, Guangrui; Muratkhan, Marat; Wang, Zhiwei (Agriculture, 2021-06)
    Investigating the interactions of granular fertilizers with various types of equipment is an essential part of agricultural research. A numerical technique simulating the mechanical behavior of granular assemblies has ...
  • Nurakov, Serik; Tulebekova, Assel; Aldungarova, Aliya; Awwad, Talal; Utepov, Yelbek (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2020-07)
    The application of bucketless bottom unloading rotor with oblique cutting knife type cutting elements on the earthmoving machine allows enhancing significantly its excavation quantities in the road construction compared ...
  • Zhumabay, Yerzhan; Kalman, Gulzhamal; Sambetbayeva, Madina; Yerimbetova, Aigerim; Ayapbergenova, Assem; Bizhanova, Almagul (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022)
    This paper considers an approach to resolving referential relations when extracting information from a text. The proposed approach is an attempt to integrate the multifactorial model of the activation coefficient with the ...
  • Mkilima, Timoth; Meiramkulova, Kulyash; Kydyrbekova, Aliya; Bazarbayeva, Tursynkul; Daldabayeva, Gulnur; Zholdasbek, Aknur; Shegenbayev, Abzal; Dzhexenbayev, Nurbolat; Oshanova, Gulaina; Kaisagaliyeva, Gulzhakhan (Water, 2023-10)
    This study focuses on evaluating the efficacy of biofilm-enhanced natural zeolite for the purification of slaughterhouse wastewater. The investigation encompasses four distinct treatment methods: employing natural zeolite ...
  • Hrynko, Izabela; Ilyasova, Gulzhakhan; Jankowska, Magdalena; Rutkowska, Ewa; Kaczy ´nski, Piotr; Łozowicka, Bozena (Agriculture, 2024)
    Nitro-substituted neonicotinoid insecticides have been widely used until recently to control a range of important agricultural pests. Growing concerns about thiamethoxam’s toxicity to pollinators have led to its use being ...
  • Bulgakova, O.; Kussainova, A.; Kakabayev, A.; Kausbekova, A.; Bersimbaev, R. (Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, 2019)
    Самый распространенный тип рака в структуре онкологических заболеваний – рак легкого, который представляет собой серьезную проблему не только в Республике Казахстан, но и по всему миру. Воздействие радона классифицируется ...

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