Экономический факультет: Recent submissions

  • Аtyaksheva, Аlexandra; Rozhkova, Olga; Sarsikeyev, Yermek; Atyaksheva, Anastassiya; Yermekov, Marat; Smagulov, Askar; Ryvkina, Natalya (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022)
    The research on determining rational parameters of heat treatment of a concrete mixture based on hollow aluminosilicate microspheres has defined the features of the intensifying action on the structural concrete mixture ...
  • Moldagaliyev, Arman; Zhangabay, Nurlan; Suleimenov, Ulanbator; Avramov, Konstantin; Raimberdiyev, Talzhan; Chernobryvko, Maryna; Umbitaliyev, Altynsary; Jumabayev, Atogali; Yeshimbetov, Shairbek (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    This paper considers the deformation process of a typical section of a steel trunk pipeline with a defective zone, strengthened with a carbon fiber composite lining, under the influence of stationary internal pressure. ...
  • Kerimkhulle, Seyit; Koishybayeva, Meruyert; Slanbekova, Assylzat; Alimova, Zhanar; Baizakov, Nauryz; Azieva, Gulmira (Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2023)
    Using a mathematical model of the system dynamics of the demographic process in the work, an assessment of the impact of the housing construction industry on the future population was obtained it was revealed that the ...
  • Mataibayeva, Gaukhar; Makysh, Serik; Kuchukova, Nurilya; Zhalbinova, Saule; Zhussupova, Aigerim (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2019)
    Management and regulation of public debt for many years is an urgent problem of the functioning of the financial system of the state, as it is a component of the financial systems of the vast majority of countries. In ...
  • Mukasheva, Manargul; Omirzakova, Aisara (World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2021)
    The study was carried out from 2018 to 2020 with the challenge - how to assess the level of computational thinking. The research design is mixed since the disclosure of mutual influence of the components of the chain ...
  • Жанбозова, А.Б.; Тургель, И.Д.; Азатбек, Т.А. (Economy of Regions, 2021)
    Сложность проведения сравнительной оценки развития B2C электронной коммерции в странах Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС) обусловлена несоизмеримостью их экономик и наличием многомерных, порой неоднородных статистических ...
  • Madiyarova, Diana; Amirbekova, Ainur; Syrlybayev, Marat (Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 2018-04-01)
    The aim of this study is to determine the competitive advantages of Kazakhstan in trading with other countries based on revealed comparative advantages, in which the interlinked commodity exchanges will be developed in the ...
  • Bou-Belda, Eva; Indrie, Liliana; Ilieș, Dorina Camelia; Hodor, Nicolaie; Berdenov, Zharas; Herman, Grigore; Caciora, Tudor (Industria Textila, 2020)
    Old textiles represent important samples of the mobile cultural heritage, having implications on the social and spiritual life of each population. In order to keep them in the best condition, it is necessary to implement ...
  • Orynbayev, Zhassulan; Nechayeva, Yelena; Sergazin, Yerbolat; Muminov, Nurlan; Tumashbay, Talgat (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2024)
    Amidst the complex geopolitical dynamics of Central Asia, Kazakhstan grapples with urgent water security issues exacerbated by climate change, underscoring the critical need to examine this issue within the context of ...
  • Tastulekova, A.B.; Satova, R.K.; Shalbolova, U.Zh. (European Research Studies Journal, 2018)
    The economic independence of any state is the basis of the welfare of the country’s population. Starting from 2011, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been working on the financial stabilization of its core assets by ...
  • Zhumabay, Yerzhan; Kalman, Gulzhamal; Sambetbayeva, Madina; Yerimbetova, Aigerim; Ayapbergenova, Assem; Bizhanova, Almagul (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022)
    This paper considers an approach to resolving referential relations when extracting information from a text. The proposed approach is an attempt to integrate the multifactorial model of the activation coefficient with ...
  • Mailybaeva, Gulmira; Zholtayeva, Gulnar Nurbolatovna; Zhanatbekova, Nazym; Menlibekova, Gulbakhyt Zholdasbekovna; Seitbattalova, Aigerim; Sarsekulova, Dilyara (World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2022)
    The current stage of distance education development demands enhancement of standards for training of teachers working in that area. Only professional teachers are able to provide quality education for people with different ...
  • Unknown author (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    At present, in the context of financial, socio-economic and political tension, in order to ensure the legal and effective conduct of the financial activities of the state, it is necessary to involve state audit, because ...
  • Zhandarbekova, Assel; Kurenkeyeva, Dariyash; Murzabekova, Kenzhegul; Mukhametzhanova, Aizhan; Kalenov, Galymzhan; Tulendiyev, Yerlan; Kuanyshbekova, Kundyz (Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2024-02)
    Given the scarcity of funds in the city budget, the current way to improve the efficiency of traffic management is to coordinate traffic lights at a number of regulated intersections or pedestrian crossings, that requires ...
  • Sairanbekova, Ayaulym; Bekmanova, Gulmira; Omarbekova, Assel; Mukanova, Assel; Zulkhazhav, Altanbek (Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2024-02-14)
    The article describes a technology processing ontological model of words in public political discourse. The research task is developing an information question-Answering system of political discourse in Kazakh language. ...
  • Akhmedyarov, Yerbol; Kurmanov, Nurlan; Petrova, Mariana; Iskendirova, Saule; Ashimova, Indira; Аkzhanova, Gulzira (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023)
    This research paper debates some issues concerning a sustainable dairy industry in Kazakhstan in straight relation with environment management and innovation management. The qualitative and quantitative growth of the dairy ...
  • Raimbekov, Zhanarys; Syzdykbayeva, Bakyt; Rakhmetulina, Aigerim; Rakhmetulina, Zhibek; Kinasheva, Zhadyra (Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 2024)
    Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union countries play an important role in international trade with those participating in the Chinese Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative (SREB), providing trade, transport, and transit ...
  • Kerimkulova, Dinara; Nazekova, Minara; Sovetbekova, Aizada; Muravskyi, Oleksii; Krasovska, Galyna (Banks and Bank Systems, 2021)
    The paper aims to assess the influence of bank lending on the performance of enterprises in the real sector. The relevance of the study for different countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, is shown. ...
  • Lukpanov, Rauan; Yenkebaev, Serik; Zhantlessova, Zhibek; Dyussembinov, Duman; Altynbekova, Aliya; Rakhimov, Ruslan (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2024-04)
    The paper presents the results of the study of the proposed type of variable profile piles. The proposed type of piles is reinforced concrete driven piles segmented in length. Each subsequent section has a radial ...
  • Alpyssov, A.; Uzakkyzy, N.; Talgatbek, A.; Moldasheva, R.; Bekmagambetova, G.; Yessekeyeva, M.; Kenzhaliev, D.; Yerzhan, A.; Tolstoy, A. (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023-02)
    Plant disease and pest detection machines were originally used in agriculture and have, to some extent, replaced traditional visual identification. Plant diseases and pests are important determinants of plant ...

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