Экономический факультет: Недавние поступления

  • Albu, Adina Victoria; Caciora, Tudor; Berdenov, Zharas; Ilies, Dorina Camelia; Sturzu, Bogdan; Sopota, Daniela; Herman, Grigore Vasile; Ilies, Alexandru; Kecse, Gabriella; Ghergheles, Carmen Georgeta (Industria Textila, 2021)
    One of the principles of the circular economy is to recycle used or unused materials, in order to reuse them in the creation of new objects or the restoration of old ones. But due to the fragility, some of these materials, ...
  • Natocheeva, Natalia; Borodin, Alex; Rud, Natalia; Kutsuri, Georgiy; Zholamanova, Makpal; Namitulina, Anzhela (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2019-12)
    The article discusses the issues of financial stability of enterprises in unstable economic conditions. The authors propose a formal model of the gradual quantitative assessment of the financial stability of enterprises ...
  • Akanova, Akerke; Ospanova, Nazira; Kukharenko, Yevgeniya; Abildinova, Gulmira (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2019)
    The issue of semantic text analysis occupies a special place in computational linguistics. Researchers in this field have an increased interest in developing an algorithm that will improve the quality of text corpus ...
  • Mamyrbayev, Orken; Kydyrbekova, Aizat; Alimhan, Keylan; Oralbekova, Dina; Zhumazhanov, Bagashar; Nuranbayeva, Bulbul (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021)
    The widespread use of biometric systems entails increased interest from cybercriminals aimed at developing attacks to crack them. Thus, the development of biometric identification systems must be carried out taking ...
  • Serikbayeva, Sandugash; Tussupov, Jamalbek; Sambetbayeva, Madina; Muratova, Gaukhar; Makhanov, Mukhtar; Borankulova, Gaukhar; Yerimbetova, Aigerim (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021)
    Distributed information systems that support scientific and educational activities can work with various information systems. The main goal of creating a distributed information system supporting scientific and educational ...
  • Orazbayev, Batyr; Moldasheva, Zhadra; Orazbayeva, Kulman; Makhatova, Valentina; Kurmangaziyeva, Lyailya; Gabdulova, Aigul (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021)
    The relevance of the study is substantiated by the fact that when managing the processes of oil transportation through main pipelines, it becomes necessary to determine and select the optimal operating modes of the oil ...
  • Kurmanov, Nurlan A.; Kabdullina, Gulmira K.; Aliyeva, Zhuldyz Zh. (Economy of Regions, 2023)
    Changes in the labour market are an inevitable result of technological progress. In these circumstances, the effectiveness of public policy will depend on the correct projection of the future balance in the labour market ...
  • Sambetbayeva, Madina; Kuspanova, Inkarzhan; Yerimbetova, Aigerim; Serikbayeva, Sandugash; Bauyrzhanova, Shynar (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022)
    With the daily increase in document flow, as well as the transition to paperless document management around the world, the demand for electronic document management systems is increasing. This significantly requires ...
  • Toibazarov, Daulet; Baiseitov, Gani; Kyzyrkanov, Abzal (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    Maintaining a specific geometric formation during the movement is crucial for multiagent systems of mobile robots in various applications. Proper coordination can lead to reduced system costs, increased reliability and ...
  • Akishev, Karshyga; Tulegulov, Amandos; Kalkenov, Aslan; Aryngazin, Kapar; Nurtai, Zhadira; Yergaliyev, Dastan; Manas, Yergesh; Jumagaliyeva, Ainura (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    The object of the study is the automotive industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The subject of the study is the management of the decision-making process in assessing the con-sumer capabilities of potential customers of ...
  • Zhartybayeva, Makpal; Serik, Nurzhan; Nurzhanova, Aizhan; Rakhimov, Ruslan; Tulegenova, Symbat (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2024)
    There is a need for an effective monitoring solution for water quality control in tailings dumps and adjacent water bodies in order to prevent environmental pollution. This article highlights the importance of water quality ...
  • Aitymova, Aliya; Iklassova, Kainizhamal; Abildinova, Gulmira; Shaporeva, Anna; Kopnova, Oxana; Kushumbayev, Agibay; Smolyaninova, Svetlana; Aitymov, Zhanat; Karymsakova, Anara (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    One of the important elements of the information infrastructure of educational institutions is the information and educational environment. The information and educational environment of preschool education organizations ...
  • Serikbayeva, Sandugash; Tussupov, Jamalbek; Sambetbayeva, Madina; Yerimbetova, Aigerim; Sadirmekova, Zhanna; Tungatarova, Aigul; Batyrkhanov, Ardak; Zakirova, Alma (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021)
    The paper deals with general issues of organizing access to electronic documents in the framework of scientific and educational activities. Large volumes of already existing information, its continuous growth, the heterogeneous ...
  • Orazbayev, B.; Zinagabdenova, D.; Abilgazy, N.; Kurmangaziyeva, L.; Ievlanov, M. (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2020)
    The existing models, methods, and technologies for managing the gas transmission system of the Republic of Kazakhstan have significantly become outdated. Therefore, during the operation of the gas transmission system, the ...
  • Abilzhanuly, Tokhtar; Iskakov, Ruslan; Issenov, Sultanbek; Kubentaeva, Gulmira; Mamyrbayeva, Indira; Abilzhanov, Daniyar; Khaimuldinova, Altyngul; Khamitov, Nurakhmet (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    The object of the study is to determine the required power leveling device grinder-mixer-dryer. When operating equipment that combines grinding, mixing and drying in one device, there are such problems as energy intensity, ...
  • Barlybayev, Alibek; Zhetkenbay, Lena; Karimov, Didar; Yergesh, Banu (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) it is a type of neural network that combines the strengths of both fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. ANFIS is particularly useful in stock trading because it can ...
  • Tuyakova, Ulbossyn; Baizhumanova, Bibianar; Mustapaeva, Talshyn; Alekeshova, Lyazzat; Otarbaeva, Zhansaya (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2022-12)
    Emotional intelligence is a relatively new concept. Hence, it appears crucial to investigate its short-term and long-term effect on educational process. The primary aim of this study is to identify how teaching emotional ...
  • Аtyaksheva, Аlexandra; Rozhkova, Olga; Sarsikeyev, Yermek; Atyaksheva, Anastassiya; Yermekov, Marat; Smagulov, Askar; Ryvkina, Natalya (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022)
    The research on determining rational parameters of heat treatment of a concrete mixture based on hollow aluminosilicate microspheres has defined the features of the intensifying action on the structural concrete mixture ...
  • Moldagaliyev, Arman; Zhangabay, Nurlan; Suleimenov, Ulanbator; Avramov, Konstantin; Raimberdiyev, Talzhan; Chernobryvko, Maryna; Umbitaliyev, Altynsary; Jumabayev, Atogali; Yeshimbetov, Shairbek (Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)
    This paper considers the deformation process of a typical section of a steel trunk pipeline with a defective zone, strengthened with a carbon fiber composite lining, under the influence of stationary internal pressure. ...
  • Kerimkhulle, Seyit; Koishybayeva, Meruyert; Slanbekova, Assylzat; Alimova, Zhanar; Baizakov, Nauryz; Azieva, Gulmira (Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2023)
    Using a mathematical model of the system dynamics of the demographic process in the work, an assessment of the impact of the housing construction industry on the future population was obtained it was revealed that the ...

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