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Посмотр Arts and Humanities по дате публикации

Посмотр Arts and Humanities по дате публикации

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  • Mokshev, Alexandr; Nurmanbetova, Dzhamilya N. (XLinguae, 2018)
    Heuristic potential of postmodern philosophy is one of the most important issues in assessing this philosophical tradition. Postmodernists, who seek to discover and develop new problem areas, have developed their own ...
  • Niyazova, Aigul Y.; Mussagozhina, Alma K.; Kabdenova, Ayazhan B.; Lukpanova, Assylzada E.; Kozhakanova, Madina T. (XLinguae, 2018)
    The article is devoted to the practical training of high school students in the field of transport logistics in everyday speech and the language of the non-linguistic specialty for the active use of a foreign language, ...
  • Ospanova, Aigerim Nuralievna; Nursultanova, Lazat Nurbaevna; Abdullin, Ruslan Batyrzhanovich; Shenin, Andrei Sergeevich; Akhmet, Aliya Serikbolovna (Space and Culture, India, 2018)
    This article aims to provide a historical ground for future research on geopolitical and economic transformations in Asia. It is devoted to the current situation around two Central Asian megaprojects: The U.S.'s "New Silk ...
  • Boken, Gulnaz Sailaubaikyzy; Kabyken, Magzhan Alibiuly; Shapauov, Alibi Kabykenovich (Space and Culture, India, 2018)
    The article compares the dramatic works of the famous writers Slawomir Mrozek, Tadeusz Rozewicz and Sadykbek Adambekov, Kaltay Mukhamedzhanov in the aspect of Kazakh-Polish literary ties that have had a long history. The ...
  • Бейсенов, Арман Зияденович; Торгоев, Асан Исакбекович; Дуйсенбай, Данияр Болатбекулы; Ахияров, Ислам Кизамединович (Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya, 2018)
    Статья посвящена результатам раскопок комплекса кургана с «усами» на р. Атасу (Центральный Казахстан, Карагандинская область). Курганы с «усами» представляют собой малоизученный тип памятников, которые исследователи ...
  • Akizhanova, D.M.; Zharkynbekova, Sh.K.; Satenova, S.K. (Space and Culture, India, 2018)
    Every language contains a number of linguistic units that serve as a key to understanding the culture of its language speakers. Therefore, they bear specific information that helps to reveal cultural similarities and ...
  • Fahrutdinova, Guzaliya Zh.; Bulatbayeva, Kulzhanat N.; Kondratova, Olga I.; Fedorova, Svetlana N.; Petukhova, Olga A. (XLinguae, 2018)
    The need to improve the content of education disciplines at secondary and higher educational institutions and to create more favorable methodological conditions for curricula implementation in Kazakhstan have been gaining ...
  • Жаркынбекова, Шолпан Кузаровна; Байбатырова, Айгуль Амангельдиновна (Вестник СПбГУ. Язык и литература, 2019)
    Данная работа посвящена изучению средств выражения авторской позиции в научном дискурсе. Материалом исследования послужили 20 русскоязычных научных статей из казахстанских периодических журналов. На основе квантитативного ...
  • Байгожина, Д.О.; Клушина, Н.И.; Тахан, С.Ш. (Russian Journal of Linguistics, 2019)
    Концепция медиатизации в современной науке приводит к новому пониманию роли медиа в обществе и в культуре. Медиа предстают в рамках данной концепции не как посредник между обществом, его культурой и социально значимой ...
  • Kuzembayeva, Gulzhana; Zhumakhanova, Anargul; Kulinich, Marina; Sinyachkin, Vladimir; Maydangalieva, Zhumagul (XLinguae, 2019)
    Of special interest is two-fold nature of the “nobility” concept, which includes both a noble origin and a high standing in society, as well as moral qualities of a person, and the fact that there is not a single word in ...
  • Razdykov, S.; Abdrakhmanov, B.; Aitkenov, Z.; Battalov, K.; Shabambaeva, A. (Space and Culture, India, 2019)
    The main aim of the research is to analyse the process of transformation of the nomadic Kazakh society in the 18th Century and the first half of the 19th Centuries. Based on the archival materials, the authors concluded ...
  • Saktaganova, Indira; Ormanova, Sholpan; Ashimova, Elnara; Zhumanova, Maira (Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019-05)
    Purpose of Study: The aim of the study is to investigate the comparative analysis of the enforcement of contracts in Lithuania and Kazakhstan. Methodology: Comparative qualitative research methods. Results: The enforcement ...
  • Gabidullina, Farida I.; Korganbekov, Bolat S.; Makarova, Venera F.; Zakirov, Raif A.; Kayumova, Gelyusya F. (XLinguae, 2019-06)
    В центре внимания нашей работы – концепт «учитель». Термин концепт впервые был предложен в начале ХХ века С.А. Аскольдовым, который обозначал им «мелькающие понятия, мысленные образования, замещающие в процессе мысли ...
  • Чернявская, Валерия Евгеньевна; Жаркынбекова, Шолпан Кузаровна (Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Yazyk i Literatura, 2019-07-21)
    Статья представляет результаты дискурсивного анализа новых функций и новой идентичности национального университетa, которые складываются вследствие социальнополитических и экономических трансформаций в обществе и меняющихся ...
  • Ibragimova, A.T.; Azmukhanova, A.M.; Aitmagambetov, D.R.; Kamaljanova, T.A.; Kenzhalina, G.Zh. (Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019-11)
    Purpose of the study: This article aims to study scenarios for the development of the Asia-Pacific region in the context of the US-China conflict of interest in this region. Methodology: The article is concerned with the ...
  • Мусагалиева, Арайлым Сабитовна; Мусабекова, Роза Мадениетовна (Science Journal of VolSU. History. Area Studies. International Relations, 2020)
    В данной статье раскрывается деятельность Всесоюзного научно-исследовательского института зернового хозяйства по борьбе с эрозией почв в освоении целинных и залежных земель в Северном Казахстане. Институт за короткое время ...
  • Kozhakhmetova, Assel; Ospanova, Zhanna; Mussatayeva, Manat; Bissenbayeva, Zhanat (XLinguae, 2020)
    The description of the axiological concepts of the journalistic texts are related to solving the issues of media-linguistics, and axiological linguistics, while also providing insight to solve the pragmatic problems of ...
  • Nurmoldayev, Serik; Orazaliyev, Bakhytzhan; Doszhan, Raikhan; Ibragimova, Tursunai; Kasymova, Roza (XLinguae, 2020)
    In recent decades, linguists have moved from the study of language as a self-contained system of units to the study of its interaction with the consciousness and thinking of a linguistic personality. In this regard, ...
  • Ospanova, Zhanna; Tolybayeva, Karima; Nurkenova, Saule; Duisekova, Kulyash; Baltabayeva, Gaukhar (XLinguae, 2020)
    In the linguistic field, the problem of the metaphor – both as a process that creates new meanings of language expressions in the course of rethinking them and as a ready-made metaphorical meaning – has been considered for ...
  • Beisenov, A.Z.; Svyatko, S.V.; Duysenbay, D.B.; Akhiyarov, I.K.; Reimer, P. J. (Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya, 2020)
    This paper presents the results of stable isotope analysis of the Saka period population of Central Kazakhstan. The analysed materials originate from 37 sites of the Tasmola Culture which is presently dated to the 8th - ...

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