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Nationalism and Siberian archeology of the 19th century

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dc.contributor.author Ternov, Nikolay
dc.contributor.author Mikhailov, Dmitry
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-17T09:30:48Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-17T09:30:48Z
dc.date.issued 2022-01
dc.identifier.issn 1879-3665
dc.identifier.other DOI 10.1177/18793665211066318
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/16481
dc.description.abstract The article provides a comparative characteristic of the nationally motivated ethnocultural concepts of the 19th century, based on the interpretation of Siberian peoples` history. Finnish nationalism was looking for the ancestral home of the Finns in Altai and tried to connect them with the Turkic-Mongol states of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Under the influence of the cultural and historical theories of regional experts, the Siberian national discourse itself began to form, which was especially clearly manifested in the example of the genesis of Altai nationalism. Russian great-power nationalism sought to make Slavic history more ancient and connected it with the prestigious Scythian culture. If we rely on the well-known periodization of the development of the national movement of M. Khrokh, then in the theory of the Finns` Altai origin, we can distinguish features characteristic of phase “B,” when the cultural capital of nationalism gradually turns into political. In turn, the historical research of the regional specialists illustrates the earliest stage in the emergence of the national movement, the period of nationalism not only without a nation but also without national intellectuals. The oblasts are forming the very national environment, which does not yet have the means for its own expression, but it obviously contains separatist potential. At the same time, both the Finnish and Siberian patriots, with their scientific research, solved the same ideological task—to include the objects of their research in the world cultural and historical context, to achieve recognition of their right to a place among European nations. However, Florinsky’s theory, performing the function of the official propaganda, is an example of the manifestation of state unifying nationalism, with imperial connotations characteristics of Russia. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Journal of Eurasian Studies ru
dc.relation.ispartofseries Volume 13, Issue 1;Pages 56 - 65
dc.subject finnish nationalism ru
dc.subject nation-building ru
dc.subject nationalism ru
dc.subject Russia ru
dc.subject Siberia ru
dc.title Nationalism and Siberian archeology of the 19th century ru
dc.type Article ru

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