The relevance of the work is justified by the need to evaluate the environmental situation in the territories of uranium mining and other
mining enterprises. Such region, with high morbidity and mortality of the population from malignant neoplasms, is Northern Kazakhstan.
One of the largest provinces in the Kazakhstan is situated in the Northern Kazakhstan region – the North Kazakhstan uranium ore province.
This province is located in the Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions. Hair, which is capable of depositing chemical elements in its structure, was used as a bioindicator of changes in the ecological and geochemical state of the territory.
Purpose: to evaluate the levels of accumulation of chemical elements in the hair of inhabitants of the Northern Kazakhstan regions.
Methods. 73 chemical elements in hair have been identified using inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Results. The content of elements in the inhabitant’s hair of two regions of Northern Kazakhstan was studied and a comparative analysis
with other territories of the region and individual regions of Russia was carried out. The analysis showed that in the Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions there was a high content of Na, In, Te, Cs, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Ta, Th, Hf and U. A general spectrum of elements characteristic of two regions of the North Kazakhstan: Na, Mg, Si, Ca. The following elements specific to the clarke noosphere in the Northern
region: such as Bi, Au, S, Te, Re, Ag, Zn, Se, Ir, I, Cd, Hg, were established. General spectrum of elements for all studied territories of Kazakhstan and Russia are Au, Ag, Se and Hg.