Environmental management is principally aimed at the
formation of ecological productivity, ecological culture and human
viability. Development of technologies and processes in environmental
management characterized with the principles and items which are
specified on the global environmental impact. The very concept of
environmental management includes many management problems related
to the environmental process as an object of management. Along with
governance systems (laws, legislation, rules/regulations, codes and
standards etc.), education (awareness raising, capacity building, training,
professional development etc.), technology (technologies, and the skills,
knowledge and innovation needed to manage those technologies)forms the
third and a critical pillar in a policy mix that is needed to tackle
environmental problems and aim for sustainability in the long run.
Developing technologies that can help solve environmental problems
requires a broad range of actions that are to be taken by different "external"
stakeholders, besides those that actually develop and operationalize the
technologies' private sector companies, universities and research
institutions et. al High levels of pollution and gradual reduction of natural
resources, inefficient system of economic incentives for environmental
activities - in many cases it will be easier for companies to pay fines than
to solve environmental problems.