Over the past few years, the Russian telecommunications market
has shown one of the highest growth rates in the country. According to RBC
media holding, which, in turn, refers to the independent consulting Agency
TMT Consulting, in 2018, the market volume increased by 3.4% , 0.6
percentage points more than in 2017. The main driver of growth was the
mobile business, whose revenue grew by 5% . Among the most likely
reasons for such results, it is possible to identify the cancellation of most
tariffs that provided unlimited Internet access to subscribers, and the
termination of price competition. The rejection of tariff plans with unlimited
Internet access allows the operator to increase the ARPU, which also
reached a record high in 2018. The purpose of the article is to refute or prove
the possibility of using price dumping mechanisms in the oligopolistic
telecommunications market in Russia.