Structural-functional relationships of geosystems in geosystem
classification in the river basin are relied on through systematicity concept. As single
geosystem, river basin is supercomplex, exo-regulated, impulsively-dynamic
geosystem, limited by two special types of surface: threshold - vertical (for example,
glacial area) and contact - horizontal (floodplain). In our opinion, in studies of
geosystems of seepage flow it is needed to considerate elements of macro and micro
substrate levels of geosystems, not traditional component blocks because surface flow
is differentiative factor besides of lithogeneus base. Elements of macro and micro
substrate levels of geosystems are parameters of water and heat balance, productivity
and yield capacity of phytomass. The purpose of the present article is to study
geosystems of the basin of the Yertis river upper part. We regard the geosystems of
the unified inter-continental rivers formed by water discharge as paragenetic and
paradynamic complexes in the context of the increasing lack of moistening due to
natural and anthropogenic factors. These natural complexes develop under the
influence of two mutually conditioned leading differentiation factors – a lithogenic
base and a river flow. These and other physical-geographical conditions forming the river basin enable to define the region as a unified mega-system. The article identifies
basic regularities of the transformation of the natural environment of the Yertis river
upper part basin. The methodological approach accepted by the authors to the study
of modified systems is the theoretical concept of geosystem-basin approach to the
study of anthropogenically-transformed systems. Either the following research
methods were used: geosystem-basinal, statistical analysis, landscape-structural
analysis and maps were compiled with the use of GIS on the ArcGis software.