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The results of an empirical study of the volitional qualities of university students

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dc.contributor.author Turarova, G.U.
dc.contributor.author Mambetalina, A.S.
dc.contributor.author Zhumagalieva, B.R.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-04T11:12:30Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-04T11:12:30Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.issn 2616-6895
dc.identifier.uri http://rep.enu.kz/handle/enu/4298
dc.description.abstract The article deals with the problem of the importance of volitional qualities in the process of professional training of students at the university. In addition, the relevance of the current study of volitional qualities is described. For students, such qualities as dedication, perseverance, organization, independence, discipline, initiative, accuracy, diligence, etc., related to the volitional qualities of the personality, become necessary. Based on the results of the research work in the presented article, the levels of the students' qualities were determined and the results obtained were presented. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the indicators of the results of the study was carried out. According to the results of the study, students in the process of educational activity during training at the university have positive dynamics of their volitional qualities - dedication, perseverance, self-control, and endurance. The obtained indicators are characteristic of 3-4 courses of study, there is an increase in the high level of severity of the indicated qualities. Qualities - decisiveness and courage have a zigzag character of dynamics, i.e. the severity of the high level of these qualities increases by the 3rd year of study and decreases to the average in the 4th year. The results of a comparative analysis of the dynamics of volitional qualities of students as subjects of the educational process are given. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University ru
dc.subject will ru
dc.subject volitional qualities ru
dc.subject own-volitional qualities ru
dc.subject purposefulness ru
dc.subject perseverance ru
dc.subject organization ru
dc.subject independence ru
dc.subject discipline ru
dc.subject initiative ru
dc.title The results of an empirical study of the volitional qualities of university students ru
dc.type Article ru

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