Today, the geopolitical, geostrategic and geo-economic significance of the silk road transport
corridor connecting Western China and Western Europe complements new research areas. In this regard, the article
will also examine the role of Kazakhstan, Austria, the European Union in the project “one belt – one road” in the
course of participation in this project, opportunities, readiness for challenges, advantages and threats, namely, both
positive and weak, negative sides in the case of participation in the project in the analyzed countries. In General, the
issues of participation in the implementation of this project and the effective use of new opportunities and advantages
of regional cooperation were conducted in accordance with the concept of foreign policy of the participating countries
on the basis of theoretical analysis. As a key final thought, pointing out that the post-Soviet countries (including Kazakhstan) and the countries of the Western European EU (including Austria) relate to this project from different points of view, the Asian vector of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy due to its geopolitical position is the object of intense competition from regional and non-regional powers.