The DVB-T system is the most widespread in the world and represents the latest
modulation and coding technologies, which provides the transmission of audio and video services
to subscribers. The DVB-T2 system, like DVB-T, uses the OFDM digital modulation scheme for
signal stability and offers several modes to make it as flexible as possible. The DVB-T standard
uses OFDM modulation as the base one, due to which unique properties are achieved with regard to
the possibility of building single-frequency networks (SFN), providing a low required carrier-to-noise
ratio (C / N), a high degree of protection from multipath and low sensitivity to the Doppler effect (when taking in motion).The article compares DVB-T and DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television broadcasting standards, provides a comparison table of transmission modes and explanatory figures for the spectra of digital signals.