Arts and Humanities: Недавние поступления

  • Konyratbayeva, Zhanar M.; Konyratbayev, Ordaly; Abdualyuly, Bekzhan; Doszhan, Raikhan A.; Mahmut, Gulmira (Semiotica, 2024-07-01)
    The article considers regional issues of the Kazakh transtoposystem. There are a number of problematic issues related to cross-border Kazakh toponymy. The article analyzes only one aspect – the status of binary names in ...
  • Abdelhameed, Said; Alefirenko, Nikolay F.; Shakhputova, Zukhra Kh. (RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 2023)
    The nature and essence of the language image are considered from the standpoint of modern cognitive linguopoetics, its differences from the general philological concepts of “image” and “imagery” are shown. According to the ...
  • Жанбосинова, А.С.; Жандыбаева, С.С.; Казбекова, А.Т. (Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Istoriya, 2021)
    Междисциплинарные подходы расширили исследовательское пространство истории политических репрессий 1920‒1950-х гг. Всплеск интереса к документам личного происхождения в историографии постсоветского пространства обусловил ...
  • Доумани Дюпюй, П.Н.; Ташманбетова, Ж.Х.; Киясбек, Г.К.; Мерц, В.К.; Койл, Р.; Жунисханов, А.С.; Самашев, З. (Археология Казахстана, 2023)
    Раскопки на поселении Кокен, расположенном в полузасушливой степной зоне Восточного Казахстана, выявили стратифицированные отложения каменного века, залегавшие под поселением бронзовой эпохи. В этих более ранних слоях ...
  • Insebayeva, Sabina; Beyssembayev, Serik (International Labor and Working-Class History, 2023)
    Recent years have witnessed an upsurge of interest in the “sharing,” “gig,” or “on-demand” economy, which has been changing the relationships between customers, workers, and companies. While literature on the gig economy ...
  • Bulatova, Madina; Berdenova, Saule; Kungurova, Olga; Shtukina, Elena (Media Watch, 2020-07)
    The development of information and communication technologies in the formation of a new technical and economic paradigm has changed the structure of the modern media landscape. The article shows the change in media ...
  • Nurgali, Kadisha R.; Suleimenova, Shynar B.; Bogdanova, Yuliya V. (Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2021)
    Contemporary Kazakh prose is still experiencing the powerful influence of Auezov's artistic traditions. The paper reveals the importance of the early works of Mukhtar Auezov, in which the establishment of the main ideological, ...
  • Zholmukhan, Tangsholpan; Smagulov, Murat; Kairbekov, Nurlan; Sydykova, Roza (Pharos Journal of Theology, 2024)
    The relevance of the research theme, lies in its importance for the effective formation of a harmoniously developed personality and society, as well as maintaining the cultural, social and economic prosperity of the ...
  • Gabidullina, Farida I.; Korganbekov, Bolat S.; Makarova, Venera F.; Zakirov, Raif A.; Kayumova, Gelyusya F. (XLinguae, 2019-06)
    В центре внимания нашей работы – концепт «учитель». Термин концепт впервые был предложен в начале ХХ века С.А. Аскольдовым, который обозначал им «мелькающие понятия, мысленные образования, замещающие в процессе мысли ...
  • Baisarina, Z.S.; Malikova, A.M.; Denisova, O.I.; Ulianishchev, P.V.; Mussaui-Ulianishcheva, E.V.; Bogatyreva, S.N. (Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 2022-04)
    The article presents a comparative analysis of the relationship between the narrator and the main character in the structure of flash fiction by A.P. Chekhov and J. Joyce. The authors conclude that there are typological ...
  • Saktaganova, Indira; Ormanova, Sholpan; Ashimova, Elnara; Zhumanova, Maira (Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019-05)
    Purpose of Study: The aim of the study is to investigate the comparative analysis of the enforcement of contracts in Lithuania and Kazakhstan. Methodology: Comparative qualitative research methods. Results: The enforcement ...
  • Nurmoldayev, Serik; Orazaliyev, Bakhytzhan; Doszhan, Raikhan; Ibragimova, Tursunai; Kasymova, Roza (XLinguae, 2020)
    In recent decades, linguists have moved from the study of language as a self-contained system of units to the study of its interaction with the consciousness and thinking of a linguistic personality. In this regard, ...
  • Бахтикиреева, Улданай М.; Шагимгереева, Бакытгуль Е.; Амалбекова, Марал Б. (New Research of Tuva, 2023)
    В статье представлена реценщия на монографию «Тувинцы : Родные люди» (СПб.: НесторИстория, 2022). Её авторы — этнические тувинки: Ч. К. Ламажаа, Н. Д. Сувандии, Ш. Ю. Кужугет, Ш. Б. Майны посвятили свой труд осмыслению и ...
  • Kaiyrken, T.Z.; Makhat, D.A.; Kadyskyzy, A. (Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Vostokovedenie i Afrikanistika, 2021-02-21)
    The article analyses the research work of Chinese scientist Su Beihai on Kazakh history, one of the oldest nationalities in Eurasia. This work has been preserved as a manuscript and its main merit is the study of Kazakh ...
  • Сарсамбекова, А.С.; Баязитова, Р. Р.; Ботбайбекова, С.К.; Ибадуллаева, З.О.; Ярыгин, С.А. (Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya: Istoriya, Filologiya, 2021)
    Изучаются современные изменения в казахской традиции «бата беру» (благословение). Истоки этого обычая уходят корнями в раннее Средневековье. С переходом от традиционного общества к индустриальному, а затем и постиндустриальному ...
  • Kozhakhmetova, Assel; Ospanova, Zhanna; Mussatayeva, Manat; Bissenbayeva, Zhanat (XLinguae, 2020)
    The description of the axiological concepts of the journalistic texts are related to solving the issues of media-linguistics, and axiological linguistics, while also providing insight to solve the pragmatic problems of ...
  • Алефиренко, Н.Ф.; Нуртазина, М.Б.; Шахпутова, З.Х. (Russian Language Studies, 2021)
    Цель исследования – описать конвергентный эффект взаимодействия нескольких смыслообразующих каналов языкового сознания, когда их совместное нелинейное воздействие существенно превосходит суммарный потенциал отдельных ...
  • Shults, Roman; Levin, Eugene; Aukazhiyeva, Zhanar; Pavelka, Karel; Kulichenko, Nataliia; Kalabaev, Naiman; Sagyndyk, Maral; Akhmetova, Nagima (Heritage, 2023-09)
    The paper aims to study the geometrical quality and opportunities of the state-of-the-art 3D camera Matterport Pro and examine its potential for industrial archaeology applications. The presented study consisted of two ...
  • Amirbekova, Aidana; Karabayev, Gani; Mamedov, Seimur (ISVS e-journal, 2023-08)
    Planning and designing of urban residential complexes with all the functions in beautiful environments responding to the local customs is a difficult task. In Kazakhstan, as a result of the growth of the economy, the ...
  • Kaliyev, Kaskyrbek; Kenzhegulov, Nurmukhamed; Byerdimurat, Dauirjan; Akhmetova, İnkar (Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2023-01)
    The fact that the subject of conversion is a very comprehensive and complex psycho-social event leads to different results in each study. According to Western studies, the topic of conversion has become a topical issue with ...

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