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Посмотр Физико-технический факультет по названию

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Степаненко, В.Ф.; Каприн, А.Д.; Иванов, С.А.; Шегай, П.В.; Колыженков, Т.В.; Богачёва, В.В.; Яськова, Е.К.; Петухов, А.Д.; Карякин, О.Б.; Киселёва, М.В.; Крикунова, Л.И.; Борышева, Н.Б.; Бирюков, В.А.; Рухадзе, Г.А.; Кучеров, В.В.; Коротков, В.А.; Иванников, A.И.; Хайлов, А.М.; Жарова, Е.П.; Жумадилов, К.Ш.; Эндо, С.; Хоши, М. (Радиация и риск, 2021)
    Разработанные в МРНЦ им. А.Ф. Цыба методы индивидуальной ретроспективной дозиметрии были применены на загрязнённых радионуклидами территориях Калужской и Брянской областей для оценки и анализа последствий аварии на ...
  • Usseinov, A.B.; Gryaznov, D.; Popov, A.I.; Kotomin, E.A.; Seitov, D.; Abuova, F.; Nekrasov, K.A.; Akilbekov, A.T. (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020)
    Ab initio calculations of the atomic, electronic and vibrational structure of a pure and Co+2 doped MgF2 crystals were performed and discussed. We demonstrate that Co+2 (3d7) ions substituting for Mg is in the high spin ...
  • Baubekova, G.; Akilbekov, A.; Feldbach, E.; Grants, R.; Manika, I.; Popov, A.I.; Schwartz, K.; Vasil'chenko, E.; Zdorovets, M.; Lushchik, A. (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020)
    Accumulation of F-type defects under irradiation of MgO crystals by 0.23-GeV 132Xe ions with fluence varying by three orders of magnitude has been investigated via the spectra of optical absorption and low-temperature ...
  • Azhibekov, A.K.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Samarin, V.V. (Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials, 2018)
    Neutron transfer and nucleus breakup cross sections in ( 11Li + 9Be) -reaction are calculated at energy range up to 32 MeV/nucleon. The evolution of probability density of external weakly bound neutrons of 11Li and the ...
  • Elizalde, E.; Odintsov, S.D.; Sebastiani, L.; Myrzakulov, R. (Nuclear Physics B, 2017)
    A unified description of early-time inflation with the current cosmic acceleration is achieved by means of a new theory that uses a quadratic model of gravity, with the inclusion of an exponential F(R)-gravity contribution ...
  • Shukirgaliyev, B.; Otebay, A.; Sobolenko, M.; Ishchenko, M.; Borodina, O.; Panamarev, T.; Myrzakul, S.; Kalambay, M.; Naurzbayeva, A.; Abdikamalov, E.; Polyachenko, E.; Banerjee, S.; Berczik, P.; Spurzem, R.; Just, A. (Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2021)
    Context. Understanding the formation of bound star clusters with a low star formation efficiency (SFE) is important for improving our knowledge of the star-formation history of galaxies. In N-body models of star-cluster ...
  • Nojiri, Shin’ichi; Odintsov, Sergei D.; Saridakis, Emmanuel N.; Myrzakulov, R. (Nuclear Physics B, 2020)
    We show that there is a correspondence between cosmology from non-extensive thermodynamics and cosmology with fluids of redefined and generalized equation of state. We first establish the correspondence in the case of basic ...
  • Odintsov, Sergei D.; Oikonomou, V.K.; Timoshkin, A.V.; Saridakis, Emmanuel N.; Myrzakulov, R. (Annals of Physics, 2018)
    We investigate the cosmological applications of fluids having an equation of state which is the analog to the one related to the isotropic deformation of crystalline solids, that is containing logarithmic terms of the ...
  • Kaniukov, E.Yu.; Shumskaya, A.E.; Kutuzau, M.D.; Bundyukova, V.D.; Yakimchuk, D.V.; Borgekov, D.B.; Ibragimova, M.A.; Korolkov, I.V.; Giniyatova, Sh.G.; Kozlovskiy, A.L.; Zdorovets, M.V. (Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019)
    Stability of nanomaterials during their life cycle is a crucial problem of modern nanoscience. In order to understand the processes, which are going in the nanostructures, the comprehensive study of the influence of media ...
  • Dauletbekova, A.; Skuratov, V.; Kirilkin, N.; Manika, I.; Maniks, J.; Zabels, R.; Akilbekov, A.; Volkov, A.; Baizhumanov, M.; Zdorovets, M.; Seitbayev, A. (Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018)
    Depth profiles of nanohardness and photoluminescence of F2 and F3 + centers in LiF crystals irradiated with 12 MeV 12C, 56 MeV 40Ar and 34 MeV 84Kr ions at fluences 1010–1015 ions/cm2 have been studied using laser scanning ...
  • Akhmetbayev, Dauren S.; Aubakir, Daurenbek A.; Sarsikeyev, Yermek Zh.; Bainiyazov, Bakhtybek A.; Surkov, Mikhail A.; Rozhkov, Vitaliy I.; Ansabekova, Gulbahit N.; Yerbolova, Assel S.; Suleimenov, Azamat T.; Tokasheva, Miramgul S. (Results in Physics, 2017)
    The author of this research developed a modified topological method for calculating distribution coefficients of main currents. Main currents are represented as functions of electrical network parameters based on possible ...
  • Ivanov, I.A.; Alin, M.; Koloberdin, M.V.; Sapar, A.; Kurakhmedov, A.E.; Kozlovskiy, A.L.; Zdorovets, M.V.; Uglov, V.V. (Optical Materials, 2021)
    The aim of this work is to study the effect of irradiation with heavy Xe22+ ions with energies of 165 MeV, 200 MeV, and 230 MeV on the change in the optical properties of ZrO2 ceramic. The choice of ion energies, as well ...
  • Cureton, William F.; Palomares, Raul I.; Tracy, Cameron L.; O'Quinn, Eric C.; Walters, Jeffrey; Zdorovets, Maxim; Ewing, Rodney C.; Toulemonde, Marcel; Lang, Maik (Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019)
    Microcrystalline CeO2, ThO2, and UO2 were irradiated with 198 MeV 132Xe ions to the same fluence at temperatures ranging from 25 °C to 700 °C then characterized by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption ...
  • Vlasukova, L.; Komarov, F.; Yuvchenko, V.; Baran, L.; Milchanin, O.; Dauletbekova, А.; Alzhanova, A.; Akilbekov, A. (Vacuum, 2016)
    The latent track formation in silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) irradiated with swift heavy ions (SHI) has been studied using computer simulation in the frame of the thermal spike model. We have calculated ...
  • Pomerantsev, V.N.; Kukulin, V.I.; Rubtsova, O.A.; Sakhiev, S.K. (Computer Physics Communications, 2016)
    A principally novel approach towards solving the few-particle (many-dimensional) quantum scattering problems is described. The approach is based on a complete discretization of few-particle continuum and usage of massively ...
  • Momeni, Davood; Faizal, Mir; Myrzakulov, Kairat; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2017)
    It is well known that entropy can be used to holographically establish a connection among geometry, thermodynamics and information theory. In this paper, we will use complexity to holographically establish a connection ...
  • Mazhari, N.S.; Momeni, Davood; Bahamonde, Sebastian; Faizal, Mir; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2017)
    The holographic complexity and fidelity susceptibility have been defined as new quantities dual to different volumes in AdS. In this paper, we will use these new proposals to calculate both of these quantities for a variety ...
  • Momeni, Davood; Faizal, Mir; Bahamonde, Sebastian; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2016)
    In this paper, we will analyze the holographic complexity for time-dependent asymptotically AdS geometries. We will first use a covariant zero mean curvature slicing of the time-dependent bulk geometries, and then use this ...
  • Momeni, Davood; Mansoori, Seyed Ali Hosseini; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 2016)
    Following a methodology similar to [1], we derive a holographic complexity for two dimensional holographic superconductors (gauge/string superconductors) with backreactions. Applying a perturbation method proposed by Kanno ...
  • Melnikova, G. B.; Salamianski, A. E.; Korolkov, I. V.; Tolstaya, T. N.; Akulova, V. M.; Chizhik, S. A.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Muslimova, I. B.; Kotov, D. V. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021)
    Results of polyethylenterephtalate ion track membranes hydrophilization by (Chytozan/Dextran)4 multilayers with using Layer-by-Layer method and by Nafion monolayer with using Langmuir – Blodgett and spin-coating methods ...

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